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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Now he's accused of making a racist fried chicken joke to a black congressman. Quit while you're.... not ahead, Bill.
  2. It's good stuff, right? I hate having greasy hands when I'm trying to do things and I wash my hands repeatedly throughout the day (thus part of the need for the product ) so having something on overnight is the only way to go for me. And fortunately, that's all that's required with this cream for it to make a difference.
  3. I use this stuff: https://www.neutrogena.com/norwegian-formula-hand-cream/6801290.html Usually just one application, left on overnight, is enough to make a very noticeable difference. You can get it at Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc.
  4. I loved Advance Wars way back when; if a couple people here get it and have favorable impressions I'd be pretty easy to convince to buy it.
  5. I think the lowest temperature I experienced was probably around -10 or -15 F (-23 to -26 C) on two separate occasions: once when I went snowshoeing and another time snowboarding. The snowshoeing one was fine because I was plenty warm due to the exercise, but sitting on the chairlift in -15 F was murder.
  6. I flew back to Germany today and was supposed to go through Chicago. They cancelled my flight and rerouted me through San Francisco instead. Really crazy stuff with that -60!
  7. At the grocery stores I go to in Germany, they also always have peanut butter in jars covered with American flags.
  8. I fly back to Germany tomorrow (arrive Tuesday). Once I go grocery shopping I can take some pictures for you all, but this looks to be accurate.
  9. He's often smug and arrogant, but he gets some good jokes in there and he sometimes interviews interesting people. I occasionally watch a clip on YouTube.
  10. I think you both might have missed the point of what he's saying. He talked about it a bit more in this video, if you care to watch: He explicitly says he wasn't shitting on Stan Lee or his legacy or comic books. He's criticizing people who don't want to grow up. I think he could have a legitimate point there, but to be sure I understand him I would want to hear more than just a 5 minute video which is meant to get laughs. As some of you said though, IMO it does seem a bit like an attention grab since AFAIK, he's only making this point upon Stan Lee's death. I don't follow Bill Maher closely enough to know whether he has made this point before. Now it seems like he's mostly just pushing back against the backlash of people who misunderstood his original point. And for him, it's good publicity.
  11. I'm currently reading The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy for my English book club in Germany and it's proving to be a real struggle. I'm over 60 pages in (out of 437) and it simply is not grabbing me. In fact, I'm finding it extremely confusing, jarring, and actually rather off-putting because the book constantly is switching perspectives and times, and there is a constant flood of indistinguishable characters with Indian names (many of which have multiple names). My brain hurts. Normally I would just slog through, especially for a book club book, but maybe I've finally hit the point where I'm willing to give up on a book. When do you all reach that point? When do you decide that it's time to spend your time elsewhere? 20 pages? 50 pages? 50%? Never? And if you feel like sharing, what are some books that you've given up on?
  12. For what it's worth, I have had zero issues with gestures on my Pixel 3 XL. I love this phone!
  13. I have to fly back to Germany on Monday. Between the TSA and this: I'm really feeling great about the prospect.
  14. This is what I'm saying. What's more annoying: having 20 people "upvote" a post with that emoji, thereby leaving it all concentrated on one post, or seeing 20 posts all replying with
  15. Every day in Germany I walk by dozens of Stolpersteine. I have been to Dachau, Sachsenhausen, and Auschwitz. That anyone can deny that this happened blows my mind, but I guess that's the nature of willful ignorance.
  16. We really need a reaction to posts so that we can contain our orgasms to one place, rather than 40 subsequent posts.
  17. You're correct about the left page. It's the number of congregations and their membership numbers. The top part is by state and then underneath it gives the totals by year. The right page says: "Foreign-born Sprachjuden [a Nazi-created word, I believe; meaning those who speak in a Jewish tongue] in the individual states and large cities in 1930." Then the left column is the state or city, of course, the middle column lists lists those foreign-born speaking Yiddish, and the right lists those foreign-born who speak Russian.
  18. IMO you should at least watch it before you form an opinion. No offense, but either taking your opinion from another or having others simply confirm your preexisting notions does not seem like a very fair or thoughtful reaction to me. As to the stupid dad trope, I think I can see what you mean about the trope existing, given the examples you gave. But I think this isn't really what the ad is saying. It's an undeniable fact that some men have some shitty behavior, just as some women do, and in my opinion, the ad was speaking to those men, calling on them to improve their behavior. It isn't saying that all men are stupid or that all men need to improve their behavior. I'm not sure what you mean by not wanting your son or nephew to grow up in any manner that society seems they should. Would you mind explaining this, please?
  19. I dunno, greed seems pretty simple to me. From his perspective he just needs to know that he gets a lot of money if he helps his buddies out. From there it's a simple matter of pushing for high tariffs on steel imports and awarding contracts to his friends.
  20. I've seen several people proposing a theory around social media lately and I was curious to know what everyone's thoughts were on it. If this has been discussed and disproven already, my apologies, I am a Press Pool n00b. :P The tldr version is: Trump has such a boner for the border wall because the steel slats that he wants to use for the wall are manufactured by Evraz, a Russian steel company with locations in the US. The company is owned by Russian billionaire and friend to Putin and Trump, Roman Abramovich. So Trump's obsession with the wall seems to be very much about lining his own pockets and those of his friends. Does this make any sense to you all? Is this simply part of the corruption that everyone talks about with this administration, and it's only news to me? :P
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