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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Hmm for some reason I was thinking it should only take 30 minutes. Thanks for the info! I also didn't know this, so it's good I am learning so much about the drugs I'm putting in my body. Thanks guys!
  2. I took a melatonin pill yesterday and it didn't seem to do shit. I read for an hour until I was able to fall asleep, which was also nice.
  3. I saw Green Book in the theater here in Germany last night and really enjoyed it. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali are both wonderful and the story is touching and powerful. 8.5/10
  4. Just like we all have a heart attack whenever we see the RBG thread bumped, seeing this thread bumped on a Friday gives me a hard attack.
  5. Personally I like the clean shaven look on you, and I think it makes you look younger.
  6. Sorry @Emblazon I somehow had a brainfart and forgot to include you in the OP. Anyway I'm glad to hear that there are more in the works! The effort is very much appreciated!
  7. For what it's worth, I have heard several people say that the first time they tried it they didn't notice anything at all. Maybe it takes a time or two?
  8. I'm just curious if there are going to be any more D1P podcasts. Why did they fizzle out? At least in the podcast program I'm using (Pocket Casts) it appears that the last episode was released in early July of 2018. Do we have any chance for new episodes? @The def star @SFLUFAN
  9. I'm reading At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails by Sarah Bakewell. It's a sort of combination introduction or overview of the existentialist philosophy as well as a biography of Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger, Albert Camus, etc. I'm only about 60 pages in but I'm finding it pretty interesting. It's very well written and at least Heidegger was actually here in Freiburg, the city in Germany in which I currently live. For my book club we're going to be reading Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday, which the description suggests is largely about "inequities in age, power, talent, wealth, fame, geography, and justice.".
  10. You seem to have assumed I meant that they protested against letting them in, when in fact they protested against their exclusion.
  11. Gay boys are allowed, as are transgendered boys. I remember that there was actually a pretty big stink about it and several Eagle Scouts were returning their Eagle badge in protest. Which is a pretty big deal, as it represents a fair amount of time and work.
  12. I meant that the Boy Scouts are performing a hostile takeover of the Girl Scouts.
  13. I get trying to expand your audience, and maybe their hearts are in the right place (trying to provide opportunities), but this seems very much like a hostile takeover.
  14. Yeah I've seen that episode with Ice Cube. I was just agreeing with you that something like this will probably happen again, with Maher getting Ice Cube back or something similar. I was also just adding that that kind of behavior, having Ice Cube on or whoever else he might get this time (crazy that there's a this time ) seems to me to be a variant of the "I've got black friends so I can't be racist" argument, or a similar thought process like in the episode of South Park I referenced: "hey one black person has chewed me out and he represents all black people so it's cool guys." Maybe that's too cynical, I don't know. But the fact that this kind of shit keeps coming up with him doesn't leave much room for giving him the benefit of the doubt, IMO. And I say this as a person who actually enjoys watching Maher's show now and then. Please don't hate me for that.
  15. I can't find a clip of it but this reminds me of the South Park episode where Randy has to apologize to Jesse Jackson, and Token gets pissed and says "Jesse Jackson is not the emperor of black people!" You're probably right that something like this will happen, but it's pretty cringy. It seems very closely related to the "but I have black friends!" excuse.
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