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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Shit Wade, that sounds like a tough situation. I'm not sure I would be able to deal with someone who was that unstable. Good on you for being there for her.
  2. I'm ok with all of those. What says the Supreme Chancellor?
  3. Sure, it could be a request thread. What would you like?
  4. Not if I kill you with kindness first! You're one of the staples of this community, and the thoughtfulness of your posts is only matched by your kindness and humor.
  5. Thank you all! I had a great day with friends; first, baking a Japanese sponge cake, then eating dinner with friends, then going to see Green Book (for the second time), and finally going out for drinks. It was a lovely birthday and I'm honestly touched that it was mentioned here and people took the time to say anything. You all are the best!
  6. We could lock it and require that someone PM a mod to unlock it.
  7. Just finished this tonight and I'm amazed that the quality remains constant throughout. Excellent show, and I can't wait to see how it continues.
  8. I'm reading Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. It's been sitting on my shelf for a year so I'm finally getting to it. This isn't the first book of his that I've read, and I'm again reminded of how much I really love his writing. He writes in such a clear and manageable way that makes you feel like you're really understanding the material but without sacrificing much in the way of depth. It's a rather rare feat in science writing, in my experience. His fame as a science popularizer is well earned, IMO. I'm not too far along but it's hard to put down. Pretty impressive, I think, for a 40 year old science book!
  9. I, too, have been enjoying it a lot. I'm not all the way through yet (on episode 5) but it really has sucked me in.
  10. This was probably the game I was most excited about from the latest Nintendo Direct. I've never actually played around with the first Mario Maker but I love the idea of it and love platformers in general. I'll look forward to seeing what you all come up with and I'll contribute my best giant dong level.
  11. So far it has been the same with Better Call Saul, too. I can stream the episodes from Netflix here in Germany just a few days after they air in the US.
  12. Out of curiosity I looked it up on Amazon and the physical version for the Switch appears to be on sale for $10 off (i.e. $29.99) right now! https://www.amazon.com/Crash-Bandicoot-N-Sane-Trilogy-Nintendo/dp/B07B9XCN31/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550076284&sr=8-1&keywords=crash%2Btrilogy%2Bswitch&th=1 If I was in the US I would jump on this, but sadly the digital version is still $39.99 in the eShop.
  13. Did anyone here pick it up? I've never played any of these games so the collection on Switch is mighty tempting.
  14. Will Smith with what looks like a shitty bald cap, weak delivery by Jafar... we're not off to a good start.
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