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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. Only if it's built by Mexican corporations - sure. He'll build your stupid wall.
  2. Rapist Just assuming Who is this dandy?
  3. What I mean is it seems like some of this is emotionally driven, as anti-vaxxers are rather than logically driven. I can see your argument about destructive v non destructive but I don't know if that's how we categorize mental disorders - which is why I say it's weird to excuse one imbalance and not others because of societal expectations that are fluid. Changing categories isn't going to lead to more acceptance - conservatives don't give a fuck about this and will continue to be assholes. All this is - is an emotional gesture that accomplished nothing long term for the trans community. The real change has to be societal acceptance and understanding - and that's going the opposite way.
  4. The function runs counter to the design. I don't think it needs to be corrected nor do I think it's "fixable". People who are trans are doing what they can given their circumstances, I don't envy their plight. If we argue that just "different" applies here then the same logic can be used excuse/justify other behaviors that are more destructive. I feel that we are venturing into anti vaxxer territory with this type of argument. But I'm not a doctor.
  5. I don't know... It seems like it's obviously a chemical issue in the brain. It's certainly not "as designed". I don't fault people for being transgendered - but let's not get closer to saying people are trans because of their soul and not because of science.
  6. I'm mostly amused that getting cozy with Trumpo is hurting these corporations now. I hope it hurts them more. Of course on the other side we have Schumer who will apologize and cave more later.
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