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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. I said it before and I said it again. If China wanted this all to end they would just close Ivaka and Donald factories. They don't. They ban his critics. We are all being played and some out there in the inner circles are making a shit ton off of this "trade war". CNN, Fox, NBC no one asks why - the multinational corporations are in on this steal.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/10/us-immigrant-women-ice-van-california 9 women handcuffed in hot windowless van for hours without food or water
  3. US Citizen father and toddler separated for a year https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/11/us-immigration-family-separations-doj-us-citizens
  4. When you gotta poop after a hard workout and your ass is still sweating making the seat slippery
  5. The old guard Dems are focused on losing and giving Trump what he wants
  6. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5b44628ee4b07aea75437ce1 92 year old beaten with brick by woman and 4 men and told to go back to his country for accidentally bumping into woman's daughter while passing them on the sidewalk
  7. Put your hands up if you like Doritos cheese stuff crust! Whos with me!?!
  8. Fuck that pos cop. Remember liberals, Donald Trump won because you are mean to conservatives though.
  9. All the media has been like "the greatest show on Earth!!! Taratatatan taratatatan" about this
  10. That's a yes. Trump is gonna get everything he wants. And when the Dems get the majority he still will.
  11. I don't understand how they make margaritas into pizza. Like.. are they frozen?
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