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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. Cancer scientists have ignored black DNA https://www.newsweek.com/2018/07/27/cancer-cure-genome-cancer-treatment-africa-genetic-charles-rotimi-dna-human-1024630.html?amp=1 lolwtf
  2. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tax-groups/us-treasury-moves-to-protect-identities-of-dark-money-political-donors-idUSKBN1K704F Russian money in the NRA? No problem!
  3. Ohhhhh mmmmmmyyyyu gooooosssshhhhh Marcos statement gave me flashbacks to a conversation with a sycophantic co-worker
  4. Hopefully Pelosi and Schumer don't fuck this up. Someone find Howard Dean!
  5. Fuck these people. They're complaining about what people predicted and already knew. Just wait till they learn he doesn't have their best interest at heart
  6. You are a very picky eater young lady.
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