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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. hahahahahaha I'm sure I can guess which states drink the most Coke Maybe bail them out too Trump. Ask the Chinese for money to do it. lol
  2. Oops sorry conservative San Diego https://money.cnn.com/2018/07/26/technology/qualcomm-nxp-merger-china/index.html
  3. Fuck all these assholes. When they burn eternal it will make my burning a welcomed front row seat. Thank you Satan. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5b58cd0fe4b0fd5c73cb3c1a No one could have known. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-pick-for-refugee-czar-never-resettled-refugees
  4. I'm ethereal, my children are legion, serial They stick to my skin like beloved cysts I tear away with my nails and teeth and fists Touch the hands of inverted saints Follow my heart through the threaded pain Callow man is a sentinel screaming I see the future the future is bleeding
  5. My goal is to crush my enemies faces in like the mountain
  6. Approval still too high. I won't be comfortable until it's in the teens.
  7. Never gonna happen. They'll SLOWLY allow development to maintain prices. I'm buying a place right now, I'd be okay with a sudden price drop!
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