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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. I'm becoming like that. Movies are a long ass commitment and aren't necessarily better these days. Have you seen previews lately? It's all the same movie. Robot dog Robot car You have a gift you didn't know Something about using it against evil Wow so cool
  2. Hilarious. Trump's always threatening people with recordings so ppl started recording him. The WH is obviously pure chaos - the fact they can't even control his tweeting shows how distracted and what a weak spot the US is in. If something that needed real leadership happened... We're fucked. This asshole will use it to empower himself not solve the issue.
  3. Fucking finally, keep dipping https://www.politicususa.com/2018/08/13/trump-n-word-tape-midterms.html/amp I wonder how bad this tape is... Is he raging hatefully? Is he like one of those Asian kids who thinks he's "street" and uses the n word?
  4. My legs are killing me. I did 3 hours at the gym on Sunday. Now I haven't gone back yesterday and maybe today. THE TRAVESTY!!!
  5. Yes. What are you fucking in a feces smeared truck stop!? Animals!
  6. It's too bad Jerry Brown is too old. He turned California around, if you ignore all the fires from the water ocean being watered
  7. Edited - I thought @Keyser_Sozewas being clever saying noodle arms > KKK arms. But it seems like no.
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