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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. I know what @darkness35 is talking about. The feelings of "here's some bad representation" "here is how we see your kind" or "this is what you are like" or a certain class dictating what is the standard wether upper or lower. Culture is so many shades and one film doesn't do it justice, but for the first outing to be the embarrassing class must be truly frustrating.
  2. For me if I only have an hour to play, I hate that half of it is interrupted by not gameplay
  3. These were cool when they couldn't get graphics to look as good now they're just annoying. I hate them, I just want to play a game and don't have time to sit through this F- writing. These need to always be skipable.
  4. You're right it's going to crash but it will hit N Cal and the Pacific Northwest the hardest because a lot of the issues you're seeing are self contained to those areas. As long as they keep trying to invest in the same people that seem like young go getter Zucks and Musks and they keep not delivering it's at risk. Someone's gonna want their money back at some point and pull the carpet from under the whole scam. That's not to say there isn't potential or talent, it's that they are picking the wrong people. Because they're idiots trusting other idiots. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/sep/02/big-techs-double-trouble-bipartisan-criticism-may-signal-a-reckoning-ahead There's also the Trump factor. Tech cozied up and like everything he touches he destroys.
  5. https://jalopnik.com/the-2019-ford-focus-is-dead-for-u-s-thanks-to-trumps-t-1828745055/amp Low energy
  6. Ford focus active is dead https://jalopnik.com/the-2019-ford-focus-is-dead-for-u-s-thanks-to-trumps-t-1828745055/amp Mustang will be Ford's only car
  7. You're training in normal shoes????? There's a reason they make athletic ones.
  8. Void errorzone - awesome Jesus Piece self - awesome
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