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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. It's not just that X3 sucked, it's that anything regarding Jean Grey and Phoenix sucks. Good, blow it out of your system so Marvel won't make more stupid Jean Grey stories.
  2. I learned my blood work came back healthy!!!!!!!!
  3. The only thing this is speeding up is America's decline. I think Pandora's box is open, and it's too late.
  4. 1- Fuck Jean Grey. 2- Fuck the Phoenix saga. Lame. 3- The snap shouldn't create mutants, a few avengers should ride into a new Universe where mutants always existed and as the older original universe Avengers they are now retired observers who because of their actions, no longer want to get directly involved in fucking things up again. 4- Marvel does this shit all the time. Please no snap DNA altering. That's not X-Men. 5- X-Men will become the new MCU with Spiderman, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine as new Avengers. 6- Sentinels are purple energy they should be powered by stolen Wakanda power
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