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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. yeah i don't care i mean... it looks better than all the other DC movies. but you won't break my heart baby no more.
  2. Yes please. Sue. Please sue. Please please sue. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE sue. We need a full investigation into all this.
  3. By base he means the senators who were already voting yes. I was listening to Blumenthal talking about how if the Dems take over the goal should be to investigate why the investigation was limited, as if he doesn't already know why, not to re open the investigation and depending on the results impeach Kav or not. It sounded like all they're going to do in response is grandstand. Because they're all part of the same bull shit. He also talked about how Republicans have been breaking norms and their goal should be to restore them. Fuck that, their goal should be to create a Conservative slaughterhouse. But instead they're doing to be civil. Fucking lame.
  4. Democrats did not lose because of Avenatti, they earned that themselves without his help.
  5. Even if the Democrats win it doesn't fucking matter, they'll keep us distracted with women's bodies and the rich will keep getting bailouts, handouts, and taxcuts. No one can change the system, it's working exactly as designed.
  6. I agree! Everyone is going to be surprised again how horrible America is before forgetting it in the fog of childhood ideals propaganda again thinking there is hope. There is no hope! Everything is shit and will always be shit because that's what we are.
  7. She testified on his behalf and everything.. after being so wrong how could you have no shame? Also... what about drain the swamp???
  8. Oh... I thought it was gonna be Sunday. Whatever W fucked America again. Wasn't Condi at some of the hearings?
  9. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/10/05/opinions/gop-outplayed-dems-opinion-zelizer/index.html That's the dream team
  10. Amazing. I can't wait for someone to create a DNA spoofer who can simulate different people's DNA sequence in code, hack forensics database, and swap out people they don't like or save those they do. They would have to retest crime scenes or keep non electronic records. Just imagine the chaos.
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