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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. I think what's happening now is pushback for the civil rights movement, feminism, gay rights. There will be a counter pushback back and forth for a while I think. It's not going to be won in 50 years, it took thousands, millions of years to hate each other. Luckily Earth will end us all soon.
  2. The "anti-PC" movement was afraid of their daughters being molested by transexual men in bathrooms and at the same time loved Roy Moore. Almost as if anti-PC is bs
  3. Oh, now I get it... Here's some Kushner mild treason: https://theintercept.com/2018/03/21/jared-kushner-saudi-crown-prince-mohammed-bin-salman/
  4. My heart wants Turkey to win but SA has more death power. It probably won't come to that, WW3, global warming, I guess the purge is outside the door biding it's time until the time is right.
  5. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/10/07/world/climate-change-new-ipcc-report-wxc/index.html Guess I shouldn't have kids!
  6. Yep, it's all in the article i posted; https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/06/women-arent-a-monolith-and-the-white-women-supporting-kavanaugh-prove-it
  7. Yeah I think the potential the marvel shows had died with season 2. I thought"it's only up from here!" Wrong.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/06/women-arent-a-monolith-and-the-white-women-supporting-kavanaugh-prove-it So many were shocked earlier this week when a poll found that while minority voters overwhelmingly believe Ford over Kavanaugh, a breakdown of the data by gender revealed white women were nearly as likely to believe Kavanaugh as Ford. -- “White women are not by any means a monolithic voting bloc,” Kohler told the Guardian. Rather, they’re profoundly influenced by education, religion and especially marital status. The women’s movement is, among other things, a study in all the ways women are divided from one another. Early suffragist movements were tainted by racism, and when women finally did get the right to vote, they couldn’t agree on candidates or causes to support. The Equal Rights Amendment, when it was introduced in the 1920s, devolved into a war between working and middle class women and went nowhere. Reintroduced in the 1970s, it was defeated by a group of deeply-conservative housewives led by Phyllis Schlafly. -- And while African Americans voters supported Barack Obama with near unanimity, the so-called “women’s vote” never materialized behind Hillary Clinton. Instead, Trump won white women with 53% of the vote. -- Stephanie Gutmann, a conservative writer and veteran journalist, told the Guardian on Friday that she was annoyed by liberal insistence that Ford’s treatment would drive women to the polls. “What is this women thing? Why do you think we’re so monolithic? We’re not so monolithic at all. In the media we’re portrayed as being very single-issue, just voting on reproductive rights. I think there may be a movement of women to the polls, but it’s going to be on both sides,” she said. -- Clinton was pilloried for saying on the campaign trail that she came across women “under tremendous pressure from fathers and husbands and boyfriends and male employers not to vote for ‘the girl’”. But plenty of social science backs her up. There’s a study from the Institute for Social and Economic Research which found that wives in general vote in ways that support their husband’s economic interests. As well as the research showing that white women are particularly likely to do so – after all, the white men they typically marry still earn more than any other demographic. Clinton’s comment about white women voting their husband’s interest has (ungenerously) been interpreted as meaning white women can’t think for themselves, but Kohler pushed back on that notion, as Clinton herself did at the time. “I don’t think it’s a matter of women not thinking for themselves. It’s about the way that larger structural inequalities are driven through institutions like marriage,” Kohler said.
  9. I'm good. I want coffee but also I want to sleep
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