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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. https://www.apnews.com/ffa0fd2ace934f31bb1beaeb4bf314ee
  2. Nah, HW was better than W and better than Trump but he still created massive global instability and hurt Americans. The caravan is here because of policies and actions HW (and others) set in motion.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/dec/02/george-hw-bush-family @RedSoxFan9
  4. How do conservatives stand someone who doesn't ever take responsibility, it drives me nuts.
  5. https://jalopnik.com/gm-workers-hung-whites-only-bathroom-signs-and-nooses-a-1830755166
  6. Guys guys This is what winning looks like Get used to it We won We are winning Feel the wins Feel the
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