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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. 1) Break up all religious institutions. Take away their wealth. 2) ??? 3) BioShock. Or Mexico.
  2. Wait below 0 is GOP? Men are still favoring the GOP in both and over the phone by more... Like... Maybe women can save us, they didn't save Hillary so.. We'reeeeeeeee fucked! We're fucked. Fucked fucked fucked. It's doom and gloom we're fucked we're fucked we're fucked.
  3. I had glass break and sliced my wrist when I was a kid and my mom fixed it with glue because we couldn't afford the ER. I still have the scar.
  4. No. But if we're going to start adding everything to represent the full spectrum. Then I looked more into it and they did. olololol I am a minority! And they keep adding labels for me too! Isolation inside of isolation. Way to segregate and exoticize oneself to feel... uh... belonging in further self-isolation? This is true.
  5. Being straight is also on that spectrum. It doesn't bother me, I just think it's getting a little lol with the acronym. Fuck, don't fuck. Love or don't? Whatever maaan. I mean, we're seriously at LGBTQQIP2SAASA. what the fuuuck. Hire an editor.
  6. So no one has an answer
  7. https://www.google.fr/amp/s/m.jpost.com/Diaspora/Mexico-City-elects-first-Jewish-female-mayor-561329/amp Woweeeee boooyyyeee dey messicanss be gettin forward thinkin
  8. So like. I like nothing. Please reward that and respect the nothingness.
  9. Why the hell is asexual a letter on the LGBT++++ acronym? Were monks feeling the need for parades? That's just crying for attention. Woe is me. I only jerk off and sometimes I don't. Great. So do basement dwellers and nuns.
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