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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. My CC grows to 15k every few months and then I pay it to 0 over a few months, it's a wave. Splash!
  2. Dude she had to plead for him to help and he kept turning a blind eye. He only did anything because her brother showed up and escalated the situation (rightfully so) This was like those movie scenes where cops are like "I don't see nothing" when they want someone to get their asses kicked. Fuck cops
  3. Looks like he wants to legalize marijuana and regulate opioids - mrrrrika not gonna like this
  4. @SaysWho? - this is why abolish ice is important. Trump's wins are mostly symbolic and lead to the acceptance of other wins. It's a strategy where he is shaking everything in his direction. If the left won't shake shit, they only keep some pieces in place as broken remnants.
  5. I said it before and I said it again. If China wanted this all to end they would just close Ivaka and Donald factories. They don't. They ban his critics. We are all being played and some out there in the inner circles are making a shit ton off of this "trade war". CNN, Fox, NBC no one asks why - the multinational corporations are in on this steal.
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/10/us-immigrant-women-ice-van-california 9 women handcuffed in hot windowless van for hours without food or water
  7. US Citizen father and toddler separated for a year https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/11/us-immigration-family-separations-doj-us-citizens
  8. When you gotta poop after a hard workout and your ass is still sweating making the seat slippery
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