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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. Oh I wonder if this is where this is going. They end up doing the thing at the end and messing with the world to wake everyone up but instead ppl are like wtf what are you evil beings destroying reality and everyone rejects Neo and Trinity's ideas accepting sim life as it is as the truth and normalcy. ♥️ After all, human action DID choose the machines just like human action did choose Donald Trump.
  2. Agree. Definitely felt like a draft, the last third/quarter right after the failed project management scene at io felt like "okay wrap it up we gotta free Trinity for the next one" and it made the whole thing confusing since the last bit opened so many new rules without time to soak them in. I sort of wish this movie was them freeing Trinity and Neo not wanting to let go of the digital life and they end up leaving him and moving on. But whatever, I still enjoyed it.
  3. I used to paint my nails. But I don't anymore because I don't care about anything but feeling pain for my failures.
  4. My wife just told me, "No more whiskey for you." I told her this isn't the whiskey this is the truth. Follow the white rabbit! 🐇
  5. It's official: Matrix 4 > Justice League (haven't seen) > TLJ (seen) This was the most Matrix Matrix movie. Just as dumb as the rest of them but actually enjoyable because idgaf. I loled at the poor project management of everyone signing up for the assignment at Io without actually hearing it rofl. Both this and the latest Star Wars trilogy show filmmakers don't know anything about running a team and you realize how much is actually being directed elsewhere otherwise they wouldn't have written such obviously stupid decisions that fictionally become successful. Basically, like the Matrix- This movie is a reminder that it's all bs and all the people in power in entertainment need to step aside and let others step up. Either way this is the most self aware movie other than Marvel movies, something the massive losers at WB need. I loved it! PS the worst part of this movie was the RATM remix. Horrible. But better than TLJ.
  6. I didn't think the first movie was so deep or interesting so I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy this!
  7. XSX arrives tomorrow!! Should I use use it now or just wait a monthish to setup in my new place.
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