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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. I hope to watch this later today. The first game was really fun - I think it was underrated because everyone was expecting Fallout.
  2. Almost never. I've played through Metal Gear Solid about 3 times... Can't think of anything else. Too many new games to play.
  3. What are you saying then? For the record, The Witcher 3 can run at 60fps on X1X -- at ~1300p (not 4k) a faster CPU won't increase the resolution back to 4k -- it's GPU constrained. But, if they lower the graphical settings (AA, shader quality,, LOD, shadow quality, polycount on models, etc) they could hit 4k60 if they wanted to. But as, @Keyser_Soze said, no one can "fact check you" because there is no XB1X with a Ryzen 2 CPU in it.
  4. It has the 39 fps minimum... And IMHO, the "minimum" is really what you are shooting for when you say 4k/60 (i.e. can it reliably maintain 60 fps). https://www.tomsguide.com/us/nvidia-gtx-1080-ti-benchmarks,review-4241.html GTAV was about the same as AC:O I take your point about AA not being as important as the rendering resolution gets higher.
  5. I think there are a lot of newer AAA games that a 1080Ti will fail to maintain a 4k minimum framerate of 60fps at the highest quality settings. There are also, clearly, a number of games where it can.)
  6. I suspect that there will be a LOT of PS4 bundles this fall -- no one wants to be caught with the old stock (that doesn't include a game) at the same price.
  7. No. I said the Xbox1X GPU wasn't capable of doing 4k60/Ultra on most games. Because the games are GPU constrained. At 1080p, any game on XB1X running sub-60fps is likely CPU constrained. 4k requires ~4x the amount of GPU power as 1080p -- but minimal extra CPU performance.
  8. https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/hard_soft/index.html https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/software/index.html Now you can know!
  9. One way to interpret the rumours is that the flagship (referred to as the 1180+) will be launching concurrent with the other GPUs this time: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1180 (30th August Release Date) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1180+ (30th September Release Date) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1170 (30th September Release Date) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1160 (30th October Release Date) You're absolutely right -- I would anticipate that even the "1170" would give the 1080Ti a run for its money...
  10. For the record, I always heard them referred to as: "Nintendo" and "Super Nintendo" -- I didn't hear them called "NES" and "SNES" (however you want to pronounce them) until much later.
  11. /Troll Comment/ I always thought it was called "trash graphics compared to my Amiga." How do you pronounce “NES”? Nintendo throws a wrench in the debate You can keep your long-running debate about how to pronounce GIF. For me, the argument over how to pronounce "NES"—the abbreviation for the Nintendo Entertainment System—is the more interesting and contentious debate. Whenever the argument over this inconsequential question comes up—in forum debates, Twitter threads, Slack chat rooms, or even in-person conversations—it never fails to draw strong feelings. People who grew up pronouncing each letter in "N-E-S" are met with those who have gone their whole lives calling it "ness" (or "nezz" in some cases). Both sides are usually equally stringent in their decision and wonder how the other side could possibly think they're right. For years, I thought that Nintendo had "officially" settled that debate (as far as it could be settled) in favor of pronouncing each letter of "N-E-S." But now, a throwaway line in the Japanese version of WarioWare Gold has thrown everything into question once again. N-E-S in the U-S-A I've been somewhat obsessed with the (again, admittedly unimportant) question of "NES" pronunciation since at least 2010, when I first polled my Twitter followers about it. The unscientific results were overwhelmingly in favor of "en-ee-es" back then, as they were when I re-ran the poll in 2016. All that proves, though, is that I have smart, largely homogenous Twitter followers. But for years, I could at least tell those followers that they had support from Nintendo itself in pronouncing the abbreviation as "N-E-S." While Nintendo hasn't responded to a request for comment from Ars, the "official" evidence is practically overwhelming. Classic advertisements for first-party games like Dr. Mario, Kirby's Adventure, and Yoshi all call the system "N-E-S" (others use the fuller "Nintendo Entertainment System"). At least two Super NES commercials from the era continued the tradition, referring to the "Super N-E-S" (not the "super ness"). Nintendo's late president, Satoru Iwata, referred to "N-E-S Remix 2" in a 2014 Nintendo Direct presentation. Nintendo's Bill Trinen similarly talks about the "N-E-S Remix" series in a late 2014 Nintendo Direct presentation. Two "Nintendo Minute" presenters talk about the "N-E-S Classic Edition" in a 2016 promotional video. You can also see this "official" stance in writings from Nintendo, where the company routinely writes "an NES" (which only makes grammatical sense as "an N-E-S") rather than "a NES" (which would be read as "a ness"). You can find "an NES" written on multiple Nintendo.com troubleshooting pages, in numerous official press releases, and as the header for at least one "Iwata Asks" interview segment. (Interestingly, Tecmo development head Yosuke Hayashi refers to "a NES game" multiple times in that Iwata Asks interview, which is the closest I could come to finding official Western acknowledgement of the "ness" pronunciation.) There's also a 2017 Financial Times interview where Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime is quoted talking about "an SNES Classic." That only works if you read it as "an S-N-E-S Classic." Sorry, fans of "sness" (or "snezz." Or "Super ness." Or... well, maybe he said "es-ness"?). A foreign schism? I'm willing to acknowledge that plenty of people grew up calling their system "ness" and that pronunciation of abbreviations and initialisms depends a lot on personal choice and regional dialect ("Ness" seems more popular in Great Britain than America, for instance). That said, the above evidence makes it pretty clear that Nintendo's position is that every letter in N-E-S should be read individually when spoken. So it was a bit surprising to see a tweet this morning showing a screen from the Japanese version of the newly released WarioWare Gold. There, the letters "NES" are accompanied by the katakana ネス, which can be romanized as "nesu" or "ness." As least one crowdsourced conversational English-to-Japanese reference site seems to show the same pronunciation split between Japan and America. In an entry for Nintendo Entertainment System (machine translation), the authors at "Eijiro" note that "the pronunciation by Nintendo of Japan is 'NESU,' and by Nintendo of America is 'EN II ESU.'" It seems Nintendo of Japan has a massive schism from Nintendo of America on this important (read: utterly unimportant) issue. But part of the difference might just be down to the vagaries of translation. Localization professional Andrew Vestal told Ars that while "ness" only requires two katakana, writing out "エン イー エス" is more of a hassle. And while "N-E-S" is only three syllables in English, the straight Japanese transliteration "en ii esu" needs six syllables and "requires a Japanese speaker to quickly string together multiple 'ee' and 'eh' vowel sounds without a break in a very unnatural way," as Vestal put it. This is a common issue in going from English to Japanese, where the two-syllable Xbox can become the six-syllable "ekkusu bokkusu" (and the eight kana "エックスボックス"). For the most part, this doesn't come up among Japanese speakers, who simply call the system "Famicom" unless referring specifically to foreign models. Still, I'll grudgingly admit that supporters of the "ness" pronunciation can now point to their own "official" support, straight from Nintendo of Japan. Now, on to more important matters: how do you pronounce the PS2 game Ico?
  12. I'm with @Spork3245 on this one. Buying at the end of a generation is always a losing proposition. However, know exactly what card you want, and pull the trigger as soon as you see it. They will be in short supply for a few months.
  13. HZD is a great game. The Killzone games were all AAA -- even if everything after 2 was disappointing...
  14. If all you want to do is watch YouTube and surf the web, you don't need a good tablet. A cheap one (like a Fire) will do fine.
  15. I won't let my 10-year old play online games. And no games where he shoots people (aliens/robots are OK). I don't pay for a tutor for video games, but I am paying for tutoring for school.... Call me old fashioned.
  16. I am sure the bet is based on not believing the 20 million console delivery target. The holiday season will ultimately be telling.
  17. "Then all of a sudden the Meta Argument switched to MS has no games. A person asks if there is a BIG difference between pspro and xb1 games and a couple of you guys (who are in the vast minority in this thread) are saying NOT really." So this is what you meant? Do you actually believe any of this? Or, are you just trolling? The jag core is one of the biggest problems in this gen, the other being the fact that they are still not using SSDs. However, putting in a faster CPU doesn't make your GPU any faster. A 970 can do a 4k frame buffer, but its going to run like shit -- even if it has an i9 giving it data. What pc is "already doing it that's not designed to take advante of aclosethat's not a close system is maxing out 4k60? A 980Ti can't do 4k60 with an i9 on most games on max settings (not even close) That is objectively wrong and is pure trolling. I never played Hellblade (nor DMC). I have always thought they made very good (but not great) games -- I thought that Enslaved and Heavenly Sword were good fun. "Full Financial Backing" is only one of the things that it takes to make great games. And if they started when they finished Hellblade, we won't see anything until AT LEAST 2021. Wow -- a "HUGE NEW STUDIO". Because we all now what a great record "huge new studios" have with making great games. Hell, the last 2 studios MS created made (the Coalition and 343 Industries) made Gears 4 and Halo 5 and they were …. Pretty good. New studios don't have a very good record of making great games their first time out -- even if they have buttloads of money.
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