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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. Why does anti-aliasing require less data if it is game specific? I would have thought the process was more generic.
  2. I believe AJ is the only backup left on the Raiders -- Connor Cook and EJ Manuel were cut at the end of preseason.
  3. The only option on my work PC was "get", which tried to open the Windows 10 store to download it on my PC.
  4. Anyone complaining about a 2080Ti for $1,199 should see the price of a iPhone Xs 512GB -- $1,449 -- ouch.
  5. I tried to push it to my Xbox One from work so my son could play it. Can't figure out how to do that from their website...
  6. Why would the data be game/engine specific? Wouldn't the data be more generic? (i.e. wouldn't the "weights" be pretty standard across the board?)
  7. Apparently details on the embargos have leaked. "On September 14, editors will go live with a deep dive into the Turing architecture. On September 17 the reviews for RTX 2080 will be published, and gamers curious about the flagship RTX 2080 Ti will have to wait until September 19." I haven't pre-ordered. Some unexpected expenses have come up (I am dropping about $8,000 on my fireplace) -- so I might look at getting one as an Xmas present (depending on reviews).
  8. Found the problem. Apparently my TV has a hard power switch (that I haven't used in 11 years, or 4 moves) -- that we must have bumped when we moved the TV. Apparently I'm not the only idiot who didn't know this. On the positive side, when I pulled out my outdoor projector screen, I discovered the cardboard tube was wet (and moldy) -- if I hadn't taken it out (and cleaned it up), my projector screen likely would have been ruined! (God works in mysterious ways.)
  9. We're in the process of renovating our family room. We just moved our 11-year-old Pioneer Elite Kuro plasma from the back of the entertainment unit, and mounted it on the wall. Plugged it in (I can hear the power supply get power). Press the power switch. And nada. Looks like it is now DOA. I'll try it again in a couple of hours. However, is anyone aware of any deals on 65" LG OLEDs? (My wife is trying to get me to hold off on buying one until Black Friday and use an old 720p projector we have, but if I can find a deal on an OLED, I may be able to convince her....)
  10. I have been rocking that monitor for the last two years -- and have been very happy! High refresh rate and G-Sync are awesone!
  11. I won't post the meat I am eating today in @johnny's thread. So, I won't torture him. (I had a BK Jalapeno King for lunch, and a homemade pizza with bacon, pepperoni and sausage for dinner).
  12. A "real" game? Rarely. However, given that I play "threes" and "candy crush" almost every day. I guess so.
  13. I have been so stupid: Renegade Ops My most favourite twin stick shooter of all time.
  14. Bad: Had a chicken sandwich with bacon and mayo for dinner (gotta eat the mother and the young) Killed a stinkbug (insects have the same right to live as chickens, right?) Good: Put my cat on a low protein renal diet that has more filler -- and thus less meat - but will help him live longer (this might be bad, because I am trying to extend the life of a carnivore)
  15. I would avoid Pyre -- I bounced off of it about 1/3 of the way through due to way-to-easy gameplay, and a tedious story. Transistor and Bastion are awesome though. +1 on Guacamele
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