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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. If google stream is anything to go by, I think Joe-Average gamer will be fine with streaming for "most" games if they are playing with a wired connection. EDIT: Updated to clarify its OK over a wired connection.
  2. So I got in! And played about 10 minutes.. First impressions (I am playing with an internet connection that is 50 mbps, wired Cat6 ethernet). - Graphics look a little blurry -- I'm guessing 1080p with compression -- I'm used to 1440p -- Framerate felt low (~30fps or lower) - I am used to G-Sync 60+ on most games -- VERY noticeable jerkiness on pans -- Controls felt A LITTLE laggy -- AC has never required precise timing, so its hard to tell for sure I had one instance of big-time macro-blocking --- which was VERY distracting. (I am guessing there was a hiccup in my connection -- keep in mind I only played for 10 minutes). But.... It was MUCH better than I expected, and was very playable. For someone with a low(er) end computer (or a cheap console), and isn't too picky.... Casual joe six-pack will probably be fine. For me, however, I'm going to wait for AC:O to go on sale, and play it the way it was meant to be played...
  3. Every review that I have read suggests that game streaming services work significantly better over a wired connection, rather than Wi-Fi. Microsoft will also have to figure out how to get wireless streaming to work...
  4. An example of "PC-run-amok": Toronto airport removes ad after activists complain it's 'insulting' to cows
  5. As always, the issue isn't black-and-white. At one end of the spectrum, there are people who look to take offence to almost anything. At the other end of the spectrum, are people who feel they should be able to say anything they want, especially if others take offence to it. In my experience, most people who are at either end of the spectrum, feel that everyone that doesn't 100% agree with them are at the other end of the spectrum. In the middle, there are people who try to be nice to everyone, but recognize they will occasionally hear things they find offensive -- and are "OK" with that. As one of these people, I feel that both type of people I described above are generally idiots.
  6. A strong, consistent, low latency internet connection. My internet connection isn't bad but buffering can hide the small hiccups for streaming video/audio. That doesn't work for gaming.
  7. As has been mentioned by a couple of others Origins is a 70+ hour game -- and Odyssey is reportedly much longer. TBH, while I enjoyed AC:Origins, it is VERY repetitive. I couldn't imagine playing two of them back-to-back.
  8. If you're buying the monitor to use for the next 4-5 years....
  9. Margaret Trudeau gave birth to Justin. I think she’s more famous than Bob. Of course, could Jack Nicholson be Justin’s dad?
  10. My wife is Canadian too. I asked her “do you agree that Bob Ross is an iconic character?” Her response: “ I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
  11. I'm playing lots of Forza Horizon 4. Forza Horizon 4 is awesome. That run is not all that great...
  12. Some random guy from a network with no ratings, in a country I didn't live in? Second: His hair.
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