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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. https://venturebeat.com/2018/10/23/playstation-4-was-the-best-selling-console-of-september-in-the-u-s/ Great month for PS4, good month for Xbox, bad month for Switch.
  2. Warhawk was multiplayer? It can't be the same Sony game I remember...
  3. Apparently. I dislike the updates because they seem to wipe out my graphics settings -- and I have to go and re-change them all over again.
  4. AC:Unity was the only mainline game that I never finished. Technical issues aside, I just felt overwhelmed by the number of icons on the map -- and didn't feel I had clear direction on what I had to do next. So I bounced off of it.
  5. AC:Origins is a very different game from the previous games -- I have only played about an hour of Odyssey (so I won't rank). My rankings: ACIV: Black Flag AC: Brotherhood ACII AC:Origins AC:Syndicate AC:III AC Revelations AC: Unity AC Edited: I added AC:Syndicate. I didn't include AC:Rogue or any of the handheld games.
  6. Looks like some of the issues folks are having with the challenge should be fixed in the next update.
  7. Some have other benefits too. The huntsman’s cottage unlocks skill songs, which are key for racking up skill points.
  8. I've never had success with the durability of bonded-leather office chairs. They always fall apart rather quickly on me. Aesthetic appeal is in the eye of the beholder.
  9. If they play like they did against Purdue, Shea doesn’t need to have a good game. Michigan’s defense will eat them up.
  10. The castles are meant to be a grind. Get VIP. It gets you a ton of extra super wheel spins, and double cash on races. Most of the cheaper houses have been break even for me, after the rewards from super wheel spins. TBH, I’m not sure I have bought more than 1 car total. All from spins or the free cars (James Bond pack,etc. )
  11. I don't see anything wrong with @The def star's chair. Looks good to me.
  12. The 860 vs. the MX500 will not be noticeable for speed. The 860 should last a lot longer due to Samsung's better controllers/software -- (note the Crucial is only warrantied for 180TB, while Samsung is rated for 300TB.) You should notice the difference between the 970 and the other two. I definitely notice the difference when loading off my boot Samsung 950, vs. my slower SSD for games.
  13. I think it would I reverse image searched it https://www.utilitydesign.co.uk/vitra-eames-lounge-chair-amp-ottoman-american-cherry It would definitely decimate your wallet.
  14. I'd be tempted to spend the extra $25 bucks to get a Samsung 860 Evo drive (or step up and get the much faster 970).
  15. Forza Horizon 4 I may play some more SotTR, because my son might be playing FH4 on the Xbox.
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