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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. I am assuming when AMD say same performance, they are referring to similar framerates as NVidia using DLSS?
  2. Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty and equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion. Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and workers' self-management of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, where social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms.
  3. Liberalism and Socialism are two completely different words that have very different meanings, that are not even close to being equivalent. Arguing they are fluid misses the point. Although a number of members of D1P like to redefine words to meet whatever point they are trying to make.
  4. Absolutely. I am sure that they picked some of the worst performers to show as examples. I am pretty confident that there are "uncertified" monitors that are "pretty good" that display artifacts that aren't as pronounced (or even go unnoticed by many gamers).
  5. Still love the concept of VR. Still waiting for the software.
  6. @Spork3245 I don't think that chart addresses whether HDR will be available for "G-Sync compatible". I think it refers to Nvidia's "Best HDR" -- as numerous monitors claim to be HDR, but don't struggle with low light output.
  7. Great year -- PS4 on track to be the second best selling console of all time. Trend of the numbers do show the need for a new console in 2020....
  8. Democrats Favor More Moderate Party; GOP, More Conservative "As the country has become increasingly polarized politically, Democrats have become more likely to describe their political views as liberal, while most Republicans continue to think of themselves as conservative. A majority of Democrats favor a shift toward the middle, while Republicans prefer a more conservative shift for their party. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party that aligns with Bernie Sanders has become increasingly vocal and had some electoral success in the past year but had mixed results in the 2018 elections. Looking ahead to the 2020 presidential campaign, Democrats overall may think that a move to the center might make their party's presidential candidate more electable. At the same time, Republicans may be thinking that doubling down on a more conservative approach would be a winning strategy if voters perceive the opposition party as moving to the left. Ultimately, the ideology of each party's presidential nominee will offer insight into the direction in which partisans would like to see their parties move." More evidence that the new socialist bent from new congressmembers is likely to cause more harm than good to the Democrat's 2020 prospects-- and they are probably actually playing into Trump's hand.
  9. Paying $8k for a huge TV that rolls up into a tiny box is compensating for an even smaller one.
  10. In a poll last year, 76% of American voters said they would not vote for a socialist. I'll clarify what I said earlier, because it was poorly said. AOC and Bernie's views on the future of America are only popular among left wing Americans. Both would be unelectable (in the short-term) as President. Socialist views and rhetoric only hurt the Democratic parties chances of taking the Senate and Presidency.
  11. You're referring to familiarity, not popularity. Those are two very different concepts. Popularity refers to how favourable someone is viewed. People need to be viewed favourably to win an election. Source? My comments were more general than taxation. I was thinking more general to her POV on things such as zero-emissions by 2030, and tuition free and a single payer health care system -- which all can't be funded by a 70% tax on the rich (nor by diverting non-traceable transactions at the Pentagon).
  12. Bernie and AOC are only popular within left leaning circles. AOC's messaging is scary to anyone who has half a brain when it comes to Economics. And only continues to further polarize the Democratic party, and disenfranchise moderate independents.
  13. Democratic Socialism (with the essential difference between Communism is that the government is democratic, as opposed to authoritarian) is not a populist message, at least not in the U.S.
  14. Needing your TV to roll out of a box, so that it can be "hidden away" is not for reasonable people.....
  15. I had thought that the implementation of VRR in HDMI 2.1 was essentially FreeSync. What I haven't seen anywhere is confirmation that the HDMI 2.1 VRR will support HDR. (I expect it will, but...)
  16. NVIDIA has confirmed that they will be supporting the VESA Adaptive Sync standard through their G-Sync compatible / certification programme. The initiative is to allow Adaptive Sync support with GeForce GTX/RTX graphics cards on monitors which aren’t certified under the G-Sync label and are sold as AMD’s Freesync compatible displays. NVIDIA To Support VESA Adaptive Sync / AMD Freesync Compatible Monitors Through G-Sync Compatible Program For a long time, NVIDIA has been developing their G-Sync monitor technology to offer a seamless, tear-free, flicker-free and smooth gaming experience on displays that utilize their G-Sync module. The proprietary technology and the underlying hardware meant that the monitor cost would go up drastically but in return, you’d get a quality gaming experience. Soon after G-Sync was announced, AMD came up with their own display technology dubbed Freesync. AMD utilized the VESA standard and their Adaptive Sync technology over DisplayPort to offer similar tear-free gaming experience. Since then, there has been a competition between NVIDIA’s G-Sync and AMD’s Freesync displays. To this day, hundreds of gaming displays are available under either G-Sync or Freesync branding and while AMD followed an open standard, NVIDIA used their proprietary solution until they got G-Sync out for gaming laptops too. Here, instead of using the expensive G-Sync module, NVIDIA opt for an implementation similar to A-Sync while branding it as G-Sync. This shows that NVIDIA has supported VESA but never been too vocal about it. But NVIDIA at CES 2019 acknowledged that A-Sync monitors are also built for gaming and that they are very popular. As such, they are officially enabling support for A-sync / Freesync monitors with their upcoming GeForce drivers on 15th January 2019. This is huge news for gamers who want to get hands-on great gaming displays that are cheaper than the G-Sync models while still retaining variable refresh rate and tear-free gaming.
  17. If I hear "it's bad, but in a good way" one more time -- I may lost it. I'm only mid-way through Day 4 -- and so far Jeff and Abby have been a "disruptive influence", although generally Jeff is more quick to acquiesce understand that his opinions are different than the rest of the team. I have been surprised by how few of the team have played many of the "big holiday releases" -- i.e. SoTR, AC:O, JC4, Battlefield V
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