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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. I just started playing Odyssey last week -- I'm only about 3 hours in (~level 5). (The PC looks/plays noticeably better than the project stream version that I played briefly last year.) My initial impressions are positive -- and I've been pleasantly surprised by the amount of new systems/changed systems from Origins.
  2. Metro Exodus: A beautiful, brutal single-player game—with insane RTX perks
  3. Green Man Gaming has a sale going on ATM. I just bought Just Cause 4 -- 60% Off (All Versions) -- VIP 24-Hour Flash Deal Rage -- For $1.24 Thinking of Buying: PSN Cards -- 7% Off
  4. Agreed. At it's best, Freesync seems to be virtually indistinguishable from G-Sync. The technology CAN be as good -- but in actual implementation, often isn't. Many reviewers don't do a very good job of highlighting how good the VRR is on a display.
  5. One of the problems with Freesync is its (relatively) poor implementation on a large number of panels... G-Sync generally doesn't have that problem. Edit: There have been numerous posts in this forum about monitors that don't offer a good VRR experience, but believe they are as good as most G-Sync monitors, because they have the Freesync label.
  6. The reality is that they need to continue to deliver enhanced hardware performance to continue to drive revenue. Their business will continue to shrink if they essentially do not improve their performance / dollar. People buy new graphics cards to get better graphical experiences -- if they are no longer getting those, ownership cycles will extend and they will make even less money...
  7. You're right, the better Freesync gaming monitors are virtually equivalent to a G-Sync monitor. However, a tremendous amount of Freesync monitors are lower quality monitors -- and deliver a worse experience. (Ghosting, Lack of LFC, etc.)
  8. I usually played the Germans... Usually winning through Economic Victory. But that was ~30 years ago (so my memory may be bad..)
  9. We played a fair bit of this in high school. The Axis almost always won though....
  10. Activision is essentially down to one franchise. They’ve lost Destiny, Guitar Heroes and Skylanders and have been unable to create a new franchise.
  11. Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. I played a few hours as Alexios on Project Stream. Just started up a local version as Cassandra The locally rendered version is the is the way to go. However, I haven’t played enough to have an opinion on the game.
  12. Or you could just accept that some people are disappointed with the experience of the demo. On PC, at least, it had numerous technical difficulties -- bad mouse controls (they were applying acceleration to mouse inputs, and had bad bounding boxes for flying -- BioWare has acknowledged both), crappy framerate (which even turning down the graphical settings didn't seem to fix), excessive loading between areas and crashes to desktop. If you didn't experience that, that's OK, but don't try to minimize the experience from other gamers who had a less positive experience from the demo than you did.
  13. Anthem looks stunning but sub-par performance is concerning The Anthem demo looked gorgeous. However, performance in the demo was disappointing on all platforms -- and none of the consoles hit 30 fps consistently (with most dipping to the low 20s). Hopefully this will be improved before launched.
  14. The problem is that Girl Scouts in the U.S. decided to deviate from the name chosen by Baden-Powell -- Girl Guides -- which is what the movement is known as everywhere else. I think that is causing all of the confusion... That said, my sons had their Pinewood Derby races over the weekend. The same venue was also being used by Girl Guides (where it looked like they were coloring Valentines?) -- half of the girls migrated over to watch the races...
  15. They are available in The Forge after you gain a few levels. You press “R” to access that menu.
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