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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. https://www.costco.com/New-Microsoft-Surface-Pro-6-Bundle---Intel-Core-i5---2736-x-1824-Display---Black-Surface-Pro-Type-Cover.product.100469089.html This is what I have -- don't use it for games, not sure how it would perform on Dolphin.
  2. Some random thoughts... There really are two issues that are tough to crack: 1) Latency 2) Getting a consistent pipe to the home that doesn't have momentary interruptions (buffering solves this in other media) In terms of capability for cloud services, I believe Amazon and Microsoft have the same (or more) capability than Google. So, I don't think this will be a one horse race. I had originally assumed that Google would have access to the entire back catalog of PC games -- but given there decision to use Linux/Vulkan, that doesn't seem to be the case. Lack of content could be a very real problem for them.
  3. Digital Foundry Looks at  Stadia Google Stadia* Google Stadia 15mbps** Project Stream PC 30fps PC 60fps Xbox One X Latency 166ms* 188ms* 179ms 112ms 79ms 145ms Latency (inc display lag)*** 166ms 188ms 200ms 133ms 100ms 166ms * The Stadia tests were carried out on a Google connection vs our Stream tests 'in the wild' on a 200mbps connection. However, the Stadia tests include display latency on a Pixelbook (which we cannot measure) and were also carried out via WiFi networking. Both of these factors will add additional latency, while our Stream demo tests were carried out via a LAN hook-up to the router. ** The '15mbps' mode is a simulation mode offered to developers, designed to mimic response on unstable connections. Image streaming takes a hit also, in terms of both resolution (1080p becomes 720p) and quality. *** This comparison stacks up overall measured latency end-to-end, with the local machines running on an LG C8 OLED display with game mode enabled, adding 21ms of lag. The Pixelbook display's latency is unknown. Keep In mind that this is using a LG TV rather than a gaming monitor -- so the display lag is somewhat high. I was surprised by the amount of controller lag on a console. I haven't watched the video yet.
  4. Kind of disappointing that they didn't announce content/pricing/release date. I don't feel like I really know much more than I did before, other than the name.
  5. They claimed it was 1080p60 -- It sure didn't feel that way. I have never really used too many game streaming services. But, I would agree about it being blurry. I also found it to be very "jerky".
  6. It was better than I expected.... But still noticeable.
  7. If the test was what Google calls 60fps.... I don't know what to say.
  8. You're gaming crowd must have been very different than mine, We saw Ridge Racer running on an imported Japanese PSX and all pre-ordered it.
  9. I don't think it will appeal to you. (Given the amount you've given to NVidia, I think you place great importance on graphical fidelity). However, there is probably a market for a "cheap" alternative, where fidelity is less of a priority... (Or I could be wrong, and they have a 30 TFLOP monster being announced...)
  10. What I expect: 1) Announcement of a Google Streaming Service, that can be played on a PC, phone or through a dedicated (very inexpensive) console 2) Announcement of availability of current PC games from numerous publishers (Ubi, Square-Enix, Capcom, etc.) 3) Announcement of pricing, I expect there to be a MS Gamepass level of games included with a monthly fee, plus "premium" games 4) They will bandy about how well the streaming was received during their Beta last fall The streaming is an option is good as an "entry" tier if you have "very" good internet, however: 1) Latency is noticeably worse than when playing local (Certainly VERY playable, but I still noticed it) 2) Won't support VRR 3) Limited framerate/resolution to reduce bandwidth 4) Will recommend hardwired connections (I had problems with my AT&T router over Wi-Fi) 5) May be constrained if you have other people on the connection gaming/streaming video 6) My internet connection seems to hitch a few times per hour, resulting in noticeable macro-blocking (this isn't noticeable during video streaming because of the buffer). If you're the kind of gamer who is in to 4k HDR, and competitive shooters/fighting games -- this may not be the best option for you.
  11. Not at my local gaming store. All of the "regulars" bought PlayStation on Day 1.
  12. So what are the long-term revenue streams for Spider-Man, Assassin's Creed: Oddyssey,, Kingdom Hearts 3, Ace Combat 7, Devil May Cry, and Crackdown 3? It is simply not true to suggest that every publisher is trying to make nearly every game a GaaS. It does seem to be true that EA is trying to make every game a GaaS.
  13. Having worked in business, I have a feeling I know how it works. The business model required to greenlight games requires a longer revenue tail (GaaS) -- the traditional games that BioWare has made don't deliver the required revenue, so won't get greenlit. It's semantics to say "EA didn't force them to make a Destiny clone" vs. "EA wouldn't let them make a ME2-like game".
  14. Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Farcy 3, Farcry 4, Doom, Destiny, Destiny 2, Wolfenstein NO/OB, Wolfenstein 2 are all great FPS games with pretty good campaigns. Not sure I would put Titanfall 2 above any of them... Although it was a very good (but short) campaign...
  15. @GameDadGrant https://venturebeat.com/2019/03/14/sony-kills-rumor-it-is-buying-grand-theft-auto-maker-take-two/
  16. It's already been debunked by Sony. If talks are ongoing, they wouldn't be able to deny it without getting in trouble with the SEC.
  17. PlayStation has been the runaway leader this gen for a lot of very good reasons. However, given that the 3rd party output and online experience are largely identical on both Xbox/PS, it makes no sense to call either one of them a "strength" relative to each other. A strength relative to Nintendo....
  18. Odyssey is a much better game. Both have ridiculous amounts of content. I would suggest skipping Origins unless you have a lot of extra time on your hands.
  19. The suits all believe that streaming/mobile will disrupt the video game industry. Having GTA could be critical in winning that battle.
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