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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. When they get here, they're not going to appear as weather balloons over Lake Huron.
  2. I saw the end credits of Control. Playing through the DLC. It's a really solid game -- only with a story that really isn't to my taste. But graphically good, and combat that is really fun (once the powers/guns open up 1/3 of the way through the game). I really wish developers wouldn't hamstring the gameplay for the first 5-6 hours of these game.
  3. None of these last 3 objects have had any sort of propulsion, and none of them were emitting communications signals. It's never aliens.
  4. You're misremembering. Pereira said he thought it was a hold. "I think you have to see the whole thing. It seemed to me at the initial break, he grabbed the back of the jersey and pulled it. If we see that, I think that is a hold."
  5. Nuance isn't allowed to exist in 2023.
  6. The want it to make the "correct" clickety-clackety noises.
  7. Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG More conspiracy theories than you can imagine about this one.
  8. NORAD exists because the US felt that Canada couldn't adequately prevent Soviet strategic bombers from flying over Canada and dropping nukes on US cities. So the US created a radar network that covered the North (much of it in Canada), and created a "joint" organization that is permanently under the control of a US general. The issue is Canada has zero military installations in the North (Yukon/Nunavut/Northwest Territories), and has an air force incapable of providing for its own air defence. Our entire air force is made up of planes that were last made when I was in middle school (that have been "upgraded" since), including a bunch bought used several years ago after the Australian AF moved on from them. We don't have a Navy that can patrol our waters either. That we had to rely on the US AF to shoot down a drone (or alien space ship if you believe some on Twitter) should be a national embarrassment -- and demonstrates how incapable our national defence is.
  9. The refs didn't decide the game last night -- despite what Eagles fans are claiming. 1) The holding call at the end was legit, even if it was a little weak 2) The missed holding call on the Eagles on the Chiefs 3rd down in the first half was blatant, and had a huge impact on the final score.
  10. It's actually true -- the Raiders have had, by far, the worst defence over the last 20 years.
  11. The best part of D1P is there was not a single post about Derek Carr during the game (unlike my Twitter feed).
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