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Everything posted by Remarkableriots

  1. Doesn't seem like that's the reason though. These are the highlights from the article. After rereading the article in the RGJ the only conclusion i could come up with is that spineless piece of garbage was convinced by some developer to kill the bill. Everybody else basically said STAR bonds hurt Nevada for years and was a horrible idea and should have been scrapped. I also wonder if it had to do with his pet project not being passed which was the innovation zones.
  2. Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone Resulting in Loss of Wildlife - Breaking Weather BREAKINGWEATHER.NET A growing "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico is upending the fishing industry and disrupting the habitats of countless amounts of marine life.
  3. Nevada has a budget shortfall so all the budgets had to be cut by 12% yet we will be spending money on a new baseball stadium for the Oakland As. If they decide to relocate to Vegas.
  4. I agree which is why I find it baffling that Sisolak would veto the bill that would have banned STAR bonds.
  5. Who's behind Gov. Steve Sisolak's veto of a bill to ban STAR bonds? Nobody's talking – Reno Prestige Standard RENOPRESTIGESTANDARD.COM https://www.rgj.com/story/news/politics/2021/08/11/why-did-sisolak-veto-bill-ban-star-bonds-nobodys-talking/8076271002/ This seems like a horrible decision.
  6. August 12, 2021: Afghanistan news WWW.CNN.COM The US is sending about 3,000 troops to Afghanistan to evacuate American personnel amid Taliban gains in the country. Follow here for the latest news.
  7. When @sblfilms goes I just need to sneak into his luggage!
  8. California man accused of 'arson-setting spree' charged with starting blaze near Dixie Fire WWW.GOOGLE.COM Gary Stephen Maynard is suspected in several fires set near the Dixie Fire in California, but he is not accused in that massive wildland fire.
  9. First episode was awesome and i can't wait to see what's next.
  10. Amazon Loses Bid to Halt New York’s Warehouse Covid Probe WWW.MSN.COM A federal judge dismissed Amazon.com Inc.’s lawsuit challenging New York’s authority to investigate the company’s pandemic procedures at a fulfillment center on Staten Island, the latest setback for the online retailer in its ongoing clash with the state.
  11. Who is Kathy Hochul, New York's soon-to-be first female governor? WWW.CBSNEWS.COM Hochul is poised to take over as governor when Andrew Cuomo steps down in two weeks.
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