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Everything posted by Remarkableriots

  1. I'm in bed all the time when I'm home because I don't have any other furniture.
  2. Do you like taking naps? Favorite nap time? Preferred nap location? Favorite nap snack?
  3. The Russo Brothers Are Cool With People Streaming Their Films, Claiming That Movie Theaters Are ‘Elitist’ And ‘Expensive’ UPROXX.COM The directors of ’Avengers: Endgame’ and ’The Gray Man’ praise streaming while saying the industry should embrace new distribution methods.
  4. I was also drinking a lot of regular soda at work and home before switching to sugar free or diet since April.
  5. Monday and Tuesday are my days off from work is when i normally overeat by ordering delivery and eating as much as i can like KFC.
  6. I think i had Covid back in January but since i don't drive i just stayed in bed mostly for two weeks until i felt better. I never got tested for whatever i had but i felt horrible. I did leave my apartment a couple times for juice but kept my face mask on to go to the corner store a block away.
  7. My normal schedule is wake up at 8:30 pm get ready for work. Take bus to work 10pm-6am work and bus home 7am. Usually not eat anything during that time. So now I'm hungry so eat what i bought from work like DiGiorno microwave pizza or overeat by eating two microwave burgers. Go to sleep around 8-9am wake up noon-1pm stay up until 4-5pm and sleep until time for work again. Sometimes depending on money eat a snack at work 1-2 am. I would snack on sweets like candy or cookies if i got hungry at home.
  8. So I have to try to eat better after finding out I have diabetes and high blood pressure. Drinking diet Mountain Dew and trying out lean cuisine meals, fruit cups with low sugar and Two good 2g yogurt. Also trying SlimFast shakes and BOOST Glucose Control Ready to Drink Nutritional Drink. Not sure what else I should try. Trying to get used to 3 meals a day instead of overeating 1 meal daily with horrible food.
  9. I believe it was a throwback to her comic origins where her powers she couldn't control yet unintentionally changed her shape into Danvers.
  10. @sblfilms I remember the staff at my local theater had problems with a homeless person. He put his hands into those candy containers you're supposed to use the scooper with that were self serve. I think they had to toss out all the candy. I don't think they have those anymore now though because of Covid.
  11. It doesn't look too bad imo. At least it doesn't look as bad as it did before. On the bottom of my toe I had an open wound that wouldn't close and it got infected.
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