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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/man-allegedly-threatens-chop-gop-sen-rand-pauls/story?id=56323994
  2. People like Joe Walsh and Rick Wilson aren't afraid to call out Trump and Trumpism. Bless them.
  3. I think it's dubious to base the legality of abortion on privacy. I'm not saying that Roe v Wade should be overturned and abortion made illegal, I just think it was shaky ground to stand on.
  4. No fatalities (yet), but many of the victims have life threatening wounds.  It is unclear what the motive was.
  5. The NRA could use better leadership. I don't think Oliver North counts though.
  6. Well, you can't just erase the three electoral votes that the district receives. Either you'll need another amendment to nullify the 23rd amendment, or you'll have 3 electors who are beholden to no state/district, and will vote how they so choose.
  7. The 23rd amendment guarantees the District 3 electoral votes. What happens to the 23rd amendment if you make the district a state?
  8. One of the problems with picking Lee is that if he is approved by the Senate, it reduces the GOP majority to essentially nothing, at least temporarily. Yes, Utah is a solid red state, and there is essentially no chance of his vacant seat going blue, but it might put the GOP in a bind until a new Senator can be sworn in.
  9. I do believe we should not have a large contingent of us troops in Europe. They can send for themselves.
  10. Why would Trump (R) talk to Menendez (D) in the first place? In less it was because Trump wanted tips on how to avoid going to prison, I suppose.
  11. It's interesting, because we already have a half dozen states (plus one that is as big as Canada) that have legalized with great success.
  12. I honestly think they'd end up in a worse situation then they are now if they went for independence. Maybe not Haiti level bad, but at least Dominican Republic or Jamaica bad.
  13. 538.com would need to change get their name though. Plus we just got a new flag yesterday. If PR becomes a state, my flag will be worthless.
  14. Amazon should go ahead and buy the IP and the properties.
  15. Gun control laws I could see going away in the next few years: "May Issue" CCW laws where the burden is so high on the applicant that it is nearly impossible to attain the license. See California. Expanding the Heller decision to include (semi-auto) rifles. Heller protected the ownership of handguns. It's only logical that a conservative court would also hold that the 2nd amendment also protects the ownership of rifles. Taxes and fees specifically aimed at curbing gun ownership.
  16. I'm just happy that this term is catching on at D1P. Please start using "MAGA chuds" in everyday conversations.
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