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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Dental insurance is waaaaay less expensive than medical insurance. I think I pay around $15 a month total for dental and vision for my family, which includes 2 teeth cleanings and exams for each person, annual eye exams, and 2 pairs of glasses each year. Yeah there are limits and copays (my filling cost me $60 I think) but it's definitely a lot less expensive compared to my health insurance, which stands at several hundred dollars each paycheck plus what my employer kicks in.
  2. ...Clinton was impeached by the house. He was later acquitted by the Senate though, so he remained president.
  3. Yeah, I guess I wasn't clear. What I was trying to say is that all companies should pay the same amount in taxes based on what the average employer pays right now for employee insurance premiums. So whether a company right now is offering a plan (such as a big tech company) or not (such as Burger King) they would see a $300 (or whatever) per month Medicare tax per employee.
  4. There are a lot of factors involved here, and some (or a lot) of the blame rests with local and state government action/inaction in regards to housing prices.
  5. Correct. Current law allows you to manufacture your own guns, whether that means using 3d printers or hacksaws. What you are not allowed to do is resell the guns you make without being a licensed gun dealer.
  6. The thing I love the most about how Trump and his stooges talk about the crimes Hillary committed, his DoJ has failed to charge her with any crimes or even restart investigations. Even Congress is sitting on their asses in regards to Shillary.
  7. One my coworkers is getting transferred down to Sunnyvale from Oregon next year, and he is strongly considering either "super commuting" from Utah every week, and staying a camper/trailer during the work week. That's just crazy.
  8. Companies could be taxed based on a calculation of how much companies are currently spending on giving their employers private insurance. Say that on average across the nation, companies have chipped in $3000 per year per employee for heath insurance, then this should be the basis for the new Medicare tax. Individuals would still have to fund the system as well, whether that is through a payroll tax increase, income tax increase, or through premiums and copays, I'm not sure. BUT if we go down this route, all other federal (and most state) healthcare agencies and programs need to be ended. This includes VA healthcare, medicaid, CHIP, and others. Hospitals, clinics, and doctors offices should remain privately run and administered. Only the payments should be centralized.
  9. Laws against murder, much like laws against XYZ are more for punishing the offender than they are for prevention of the crime in the first place in my opinion.
  10. But what's your point? "Angels" aren't adhering to the laws on buying and selling guns right now concerning non-homemade firearms. It's simply another law that the law abiding follow, and the criminals don't.
  11. That's the way it works right now. You can make your own gun, whether that means 3-d printing it, milling it out on a CNC machine, or building it out of Home Depot parts for $20, but you cannot go and sell it once it has been built. You cannot sell it after you make it.
  12. That's not necessarily true. A 3-d printed AR-15 lower receiver will still need to be finished off with several hundred (or more) dollars worth of stuff like the barrel, upper receiver, bolt, trigger group, etc.
  13. It's just semantics, is it not? It's like saying "drinking and driving" is not a crime, therefor my client isn't guilty of it. But it is possible he is guilty of driving under the influence of intoxicants.
  14. ACA still used private insurance as an intermediary. I think mass was advocating for government insurance.
  15. Doesn't Bernie's plan cover everything including dental and vision? If so, that's dumb. Just include actual healthcare. Leave the periphery services like dental and vision to the private market and insurance.
  16. The UK can join a different union I suppose. They even speak the same language.
  17. Eh. Kavanaugh hits all the major high points as a conservative nominee. I never expected Paul to vote no when the GOP majority is so slim.
  18. Yeah, there is no "short game" for the Democrats, except wasted energy and wasted political capital, in my opinion.
  19. Democrats can't do anything about the Supreme Court right now, and unless they get the majority in the Senate come election time, they won't be able to do anything until at least 2020.
  20. Nuclear power is the way to go. Combined with solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal, we could completely eliminate fossil fuel use in the lower 48, maybe even Hawaii. Alaska would be trickier though.
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