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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. https://apnews.com/d1643929bcbc4dcc81e77390d1d3628e In an alternate universe where he actually wins, who do you think he would caucus with?
  2. Plea deal probably with Mueller. No prosecution in exchange for everything she knows. Assuming she can tell the truth.
  3. The same thing will happen when the pee tape is released. Hannity will take a golden shower from Greg Jarrett live on Fox news.
  4. Cheeto in Chief goes on an extended twitter bender this morning. In addition to his daily masturbatory session about how the the Mueller investigation is rigged, he gets this close to calling Omarosa the n-word:
  5. The best part is, the judge is a complete asshole to the prosecution is going along with in. "Oh shit this is bad." -Judge Ellis
  6. Nah. We need a man of the people. We need the people's elbow.We don't need another jabroni lawyer as President!
  7. All of those are horrible, and I actually approve of the idea of the Space Force.
  8. He's going all-in on the "I'm not the colluder, you're the colluder!" angle. Which isn't surprising. It's still dumb as shit though.
  9. I think what trump was trying to argue: Instead of storing more water in reserviors for human and farm use, it's being allowed to drain to the ocean through the state's rivers to benefit the fish which spawn or otherwise use the rivers. Clear cutting can creat fire breaks. But u would argue selective logging is more beneficial to forest health. Regardless, droughts and fires happen, regardless of humans causing them. By trying to prevent all fires, you actually make the situation worse because the forest floor becomes packed with so much fuel, it ends up being a worse fire when it actually happens.
  10. The Day Trump Told Us There Was Attempted Collusion with Russia Mild collusion though. Not a crime! Fake news!
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/04/politics/hope-hicks-air-force-one/index.html Hope Hicks, who is a key witness in the Russia investigation, boarded Air Force One with the President, en-route to Ohio for a rally. Hicks resigned from the White House in March, about a month after she testified in front of Congress in February. #witness tampering
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