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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. He doesn't have to caucus with anyone, to be fair. Yeah, if he didn't caucus he would be pretty much barred from any committee positions, but he would still be voting on bills. If the Senate is otherwise split, his vote would be pivotal in almost all circumstances, making him exceptionally powerful. Democrats would be lobbying him for support on socially liberal legislation, and Republicans would do likewise with fiscally conservative legislation.
  2. Murkowski was effectively an independent as well in the 2010 election. She had to run as a write-in candidate in that year due to a Tea-Bagger winning the GOP primary in Alaska.
  3. Yeah. I still think Johnson is a long shot, but he was an incredibly popular Governor, and has drawn support from Republicans, independents, and even a number of Democrats. If he can key in on his socially liberal policies like marijuana, gay rights, immigration, and abortion, he might win over more Democrats and independents. Would it be enough to win a three way race?
  4. They should probably remove him as CEO and force him to liquidate his holdings in the company. At least then Musk could concentrate on SpaceX and use those billions in fresh cash to help develop his Mars rocket.
  5. Johnson is already beating his Republican rival by a whole lot, but still trails incumbent Heinrich by 18%: Heinrich 39% Johnson 21% Rich 11% Undecided 30% https://www.emerson.edu/sites/default/files/Files/Academics/ecp-pr-nm-8.19.18.pdf
  6. Give him a break. I hear it's raining right now and you know you can't golf when it's raining.
  7. Since he's the White House Council, and not the President's personal attorney, he can only really represent the office of the President, and not the man. Feels good man. I hope he's told everything to Mueller's team that doesn't violate attorney-client privilege between the white house (as an institution) and himself. Because you know, Donald Trump doesn't know or doesn't care about the difference, so it's almost a given that Trump talks to McGahn about all sorts of stuff that is not pertinent to his position as White House Council.
  8. When I said he, I meant Eric Prince. Not Trump. I'm pretty sure Trump would spontaneously combust if he had to go on CNN.
  9. Fall of the Berlin Wall for me. Maybe the 88 election, but that's pushing it. I was born in 80.
  10. I would say if you can't remember a time without the internet, you are millennial. Another one is tapes: both of the music and vhs kind: If you don't know what those are ,or have never used them, you are a millennial. Granted, our daughter is only in second grade, but my wife and I were having some type of conversation and VHS tapes came up, and I had to explain to our daughter what a "tape" was, and how I wasn't talking about taping something together. So I'm sure some politically minded millennials are really confused when the news keeps on talking about Omarosa's "tapes".
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