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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Will he be forced to retire from video game sports? Can't play without your thumb. It'd be like a pitcher losing his pitching arm.
  2. The law has a specific carve out for Alcohol and marijuana. There is no carve out for gun sales.
  3. Oregon's anti-discrimination law encompasses many traits, including age. You cannot refuse service or sale to someone based on their age in the state, if the person is otherwise legally allowed to purchase a service or product. State and federal law says you you must be at least 18 to purchase a long gun, so the stores within the state have no choice but to follow the law. This is the same law that got that cake shop into a lot of trouble for refusing to sell a couple a gay wedding cake. Relevant Oregon law, ORS 659A.400
  4. https://www.wweek.com/news/business/2018/08/21/oregon-labor-commissioner-says-walmart-broke-law-by-refusing-gun-sale-to-teen/ I called this back in the spring. Walmart and other stores in Oregon who changed their firearms policy for 18-20 year olds would be found in violation of state law.
  5. Sure, they are right now. He's a nice guy and doesn't give off a creepy "serial killer" vibe. But Beto's comments on gun control will be used against him in the weeks leading up to the election.
  6. Cruz isn't going to lose though. Beto's stance on guns will result in a solid victory for the Zodiac Killer.
  7. I think Cohen probably has a lot, but: 1. The huge amount of physical and electronic evidence gathered in the spring raid probably points towards conspiracy to collude. 2.He's an unreliable witness, and the defense for Trump in a hypothetical trial will tear him to shreds.
  8. This is a brilliant move because there are some libruls who say only those in the militia can bear arms. What better way to raise a militia than in our school system? Checkmate red diaper doper babies.
  9. What the right wing media is neglecting is intent. As far as the FEC and other law enforcement agencies could find, there was no intent to violate campaign finance laws by Obama or his team. That's why it was a fine and a fine only. Once you have intent to violate the law, well, then it becomes a criminal matter. And no one with any integrity can claim that Trump and Cohen didn't have ill intent in mind when it comes to paying off porn stars and playmates.
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