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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. Trump wants Sessions to arrest her. People are comparing his meltdowns to when he kept attacking the Khan family.
  2. I'm in the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend... who I'll watch very closely to make sure she doesn't use any sharp utensils" camp. Omarosa is a horrible human being (I'm convince Michael Clarke Duncan faked his death to get away from her), but for now, I'll root for her because she's outing an even more horrible person.
  3. She never made it. Except that time she got a White House job and literally recorded everyone with reckless abandon and not even John "black women are empty barrels" Kelly noticed.
  4. You misunderstood her. Don't use words like that, use bullets instead.
  5. He said that this morning that his only negative is him not ever holding public office before.
  6. Donald Trump deliberately walked in on little girls as they were getting changed during pageants and still became President of the United States. We need to stop holding people to a higher standard than the President.
  7. This broad lied about graduating college. Faked her diploma as well.
  8. You know what I need to see when this is all over? A compilation of how many variations of the same tweet he sent complaining about the probe.
  9. Trump: “Can we get them to land on the sun at nighttime?”
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