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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. That awkward moment when a Donald Trump parody account gives a more heartfelt message than the real Donald Trump.
  2. Ugh, I listened to that audio/video of the shooting and it kills me. At this point Florida has to be the mass shooting capital of the world right?
  3. This. Seriously, something needs to be done. But Republicans are owned by the NRA who somehow is out of money.
  4. Well, time to politicize violent video games again because that is literally what happened here.
  5. I still remember him telling off that woman who dared to yell that Obama was a Muslim during one of his speeches during the 2008 election. He had low hanging fruit that his supporters believed and instead of taking that fruit, he decided to educate his base. Mad fucking respect for that alone.
  6. Okay seriously, it's amazing how people like Nazis, white supremacists, and fucking nut jobs like him have all been legitimized by Trump. Unbelievable.
  7. "Sessions, why aren't you looking into the pedophile cult???" Trump tomorrow morning most likely.
  8. Hey, McCain guest starred on Parks and Rec a few times, so for that he's okay in my book despite the shitty things he's done over the course of his life.
  9. The best part is any comment section to a news story on Facebook that's mentioning the Tibbet murder is flooded with people bringing up both of these murders instead.
  10. This is just gas lighting right now, especially when over the weekend a Philadelphia City Hall employee was murdered by her husband, who then committed suicide after, leaving their children without parents.
  11. I watched the season finale of Duck Tales this morning. The new series is amazing.
  12. Donald Trump: "I have nothing to hide." Also Donald Trump: "WHY IS EVERYONE INVESTIGATING ME LEAVE ME ALONE!"
  13. I just saw this last night and it was great. The ending was watched in my theater with hushed silence. And it nearly destroyed me because I wanted to just punch Nazis and Klansmen afterward.
  14. I literally posted about Jason Kessler and how he's living with his parents right now earlier in this thread. Jesus tap dancing Christ.
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