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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. What Putin is doing now is more fun for him. He gets to watch his puppet slowly erode America.
  2. I wonder if his statement is the same as Dowd's: "The President is a fucking liar."
  3. Holy fucking shit. I honestly forgot I wrote that. Mark me down for the PS4 version.
  4. Meanwhile, he’s married to Stone-face. Melania is the only woman who could look into the Ark and not have her face melt off. Has he seen what his first wife looks like these days?
  5. I eagerly await WWE to dig their heels in and somehow announce they're inducting King Salman into the WWE Hall of Fame tonight.
  6. Exactly. She never used her heritage for anything, it was a talking point for her and that’s it.
  7. I just remember him bashing Obama for going through three Chief of Staffs in eight years. He's about to be on his third in two years if he can figure out how to fire John Kelly.
  8. Listening to Michael Cole spout off pro-Saudi Arabia propaganda was insanely grating. And then top it off with the fact that the women on the roster are forced to miss a payday is a sore spot with the entire roster (or at least the members of the roster not making that Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker money).
  9. WWE is doing a show in Saudi Arabia next month, and is pretty much all in on going because of the fat checks the prince cut to the McMahons.
  10. Did the people who design these things never watch the Terminator? Arnold wasn't parkouring after Sarah Conner and that's one of the few reasons he failed.
  11. Trump should build the wall out of anyone named Clinton since no one can seem to get over them.
  12. Wasn't she one of the many people reportedly "leaving" while Trump and company screamed "fake news" only for it to actually be true?
  13. It’s people crying about Merry Christmas not being on coffee cups. Fuck anyone crying about political correctness.
  14. I've got family and friends who think Trump is a genius businessman.
  15. That movie is hilarious for the casting alone. At the time, Jason Lee was the biggest star among the four friends so he had top billing underneath Morgan Freeman and Tom Sizemore. Now, Tom Jane, Timothy Olyphant and Damien Lewis are all bigger stars than him.
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