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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. Trump confirmed it. Someone find that tweet where Trump mocked Obama for going through three Chief of Staffs in six years.
  2. I like that they didn’t show Rocket in the trailer. I can’t wait to see him interact with more people than just Thor.
  3. And this info releases the day after Trump just thanked Stone for not ratting on him, and the day Stone decides to take the Fifth.
  4. Holy shit, Graham just straight up went party over country. That's awesome that he won't even hide it.
  5. To be fair, the reason viewership was down on the third season was because Netflix didn't promote it. I had to literally go to the search bar the day the season dropped and type in "Daredevil" in order to find it. Something I NEVER had to do in the history of using Netflix.
  6. Yeah, I've never really seen any flicks with Brie Larson in them, is she always so wooden?
  7. Republicans: "We're not racist, the real racists are the people who say we're racist!"
  8. No, we want steak, but we need steak with sizzle. Beto could be that. Harris is that for me (I'd let her intimidate me like I'm Jeff Sessions in front a Senate committee).
  9. That was one of those "questions I asked and immediately knew the answer after I said it". But still, that is some genius level trolling.
  10. Apollo’s wife adopted him when he was a little kid. He was raised into wealth.
  11. Apollo’s wife could have been pregnant during the Drago fight in IV.
  12. I’m more than positive in the second movie they showed Apollo having a few kids.
  13. The first Creed introduced stuff that didn’t need to be in the movie. Why was Adonis his illegitimate kid? What did that actually mean in the long run? It served no purpose in the overall story.
  14. Am I the only one impressed Trump even knows who Joe McCarthy is?
  15. If there's anything I've learned, it's that ANYTHING can happen in the WWE... er... I mean the White House.
  16. Wouldn't the optics of that be pretty bad now that the Dems control the House?
  17. He's either really fucking stupid or really fucking scared of the Russians.
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