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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. PACIFIC RIM: UPRISING 3/5 AQ: 4.75/5 PQ: 5/5 3D: 4.5/5 Well is doesn’t match the original, but it’s passable. The movie was pretty much what you would expect with giant monsters and robots. Who cares about the humans and their story, lets just get to the fighting. Now I do admit that I wish the animation of these creatures were slowed down a bit. They seemed a bit fast for their size and Del Toro’s at least felt like you were watching giant lumbering creatures towering over the minuscule beings running for their lives. The 3D wasn’t as good as the first but it was pretty damn close in overall depth and separation. The audio just seemed to get better as the movie went on, as the Atmos overheads really started to ramp up and kick into high gear. You can hear them fighting above you and when inside the the cockpit. You can hear hissing, sparks and system computer parts all around/above you. So I recommend as a rental but an easy purchase for 3D buyers
  2. Already on order from E3 deals Soul Calibur Tomb Raider Spider-Man Smash Bros Black Ops 4
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