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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. What a bitter paranoid asshole he is. Well I hope McGahn told all that he needed for the investigation . . .but if he didn’t
  2. Well he planned his own funeral service and asked George W. Bush and Obama to do his eulogy but has banned Trump from even attending his services. I say that is a pretty big Fuck You to Trump
  3. READY PLAYER ONE 3D 4/5 PQ: 5/5 3D: 4.75/5 AQ: 5/5* This was my 2nd time watching since it came out in theatre and enjoyed it even more this time around. This is pure geekiness that is right up my alley. Different tone but watching my childhood and video games come to life on the big screen. Well, it gave me the same nerdy feelings like when I saw Scott Pilgrim for the first time. (haven’t read the book but my friend says there are even more references and so much better than the movie. Well aren’t they all) Anyways the video is stunning and being mostly CGI will do that. The 3D is one of best releases this year with great depth, separation and some occasional mild/medium pop outs. *The audio on the 3D disc is good and even great with Neural: X is applied to the DTS-HDMA track, but every other disc got the amazing Dolby Atmos track. So I easily recommend everyone see this movie and try to see it in 3D.
  4. Either they got to make it an animated special or a great puppet show to keep him Interested in this very important lesson. Better make the humans into Gorillas too, just for extra insurance for his individed attention
  5. If she is legit. I’m surprised she was able to find him guilty of the 8 accounts.
  6. How many Pardons can one person get? If he decides to do this almost right away. He still has oneother guaranteed trial happening which would maybe involve President Cheeto with some evidence. Plus the possible retrial of the 10 charges the jury was hung on.
  7. Man I gotta get back into GoW and finish that. I have preordered this and Spider-Man for $50Cnd
  8. Do you think sometimes he means to type Special Conceal and then his brain clicks in reminding him to not go full Krusty.
  9. Can’t wait to watch again but I like my 3D and have to wait a few extra weeks for my UK steelbook to arrive
  10. Just watched the first 2 episodes and overall have enjoyed. The pace needs to be a bit better but I do like our three main characters and look forward to watch more. Glad to see them keep the funny storefront pun of a name going. (Little seizures)
  11. THE MEG 3D 2/5 It should of been called The Meh! It is a cheesy B movie but it needed more gore and better original shark ideas. The 3D was ok and wish they could of done more with it for scares and scale of The Meg itself. I would best describe it as a Lake Placid type of film with danger and laughs along the way. Although unlike The Meg I actually enjoyed Lake Placid and would recommend renting/streaming that instead.
  12. My dog loved to gnaw gently on my arm all the time. He and my previous dog did the same thing when they were puppies and did it mostly with my moms arm. Never broke skin but my mom was kind of sick for a few weeks and it was because of the puppy gnawing they did.
  13. I’m just waiting now for Hannity to some how get caught in this whole thing and be charged alongside his BFF and friends.
  14. Well if push came to shove I still think in the end he would still probably fuck her too
  15. He should go visit that disaster area and offer support. . . .and then leave him there. It would be pretty easy to lose him. He is a hot head and sports the perfect shade of fire orange tanning solution.
  16. I’m currently on light duties and work with someone else in stores. The first guy I worked with had just got back from his 6 months maternity leave. He didn’t make as much if he were working but said it wasn’t financially hurtful for him to do so.
  17. Man that seems stupid and financially dangerous. Too bad they can’t transfer to Canada and get a full year off with pay. Heck we are even allowed to split it 50/50 and have both parents get paid and take 6 months off each.
  18. Come October 17 everyone is going want to skip Georgia, and become a Canadian. Smoke and (for most places) grow your own marijuana. I really think it will be a just few short years before a good chunk of the states go green for everyone. My buddy has been smoking it for over 10 years and says he would feel safer with a high driver than a drunk driver on the road, because they become super alert and paranoid of their surroundings. Hopefully he wasn’t speaking from personal experience. As of yesterday I planted 7 strains from seeds and will hope they all sprout by the weekend ok I have just been told to click and read the link. Well I feel a little foolish not seeing it was the country and the state. Still I do think that more U.S. states will loosen up to more marijuana acceptance in short time
  19. I do too because now they will have to peddle to their followers to donate for the actually church itself, and not for their 3rd private jet/private island.
  20. So you mean they are playing Chinese Checkers but Trump thinks it’s a game of Hungry Hungry Hippos
  21. I was about to say that he is just giving Trump a place to stay and avoid going to jail. No extradition from Russia, plus they have coke and McDonalds. That’s pretty much all he would need. Plus all the golden showers he could ever want.
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