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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. I would expect a trailer attached to one of their upcoming films. I tend to think either The Nutcracker, Ralph Wrecks The Internet or Mary Poppins Returns.
  2. Thats a toughie. Let’s look at the facts. Both are Canadian, but live in the states. Both can be taken in small doses at a time at most. At least the guy on the right does stupid things but are for entertaining. Mr. Short gets my vote
  3. I have a neighbour making a trek into Buffalo to get some tickets for us Canadian friends. If we claim it I would get a good exchange rate and some of the taxes taken off, back. The big thing I want to do is help out the hospitals that my dad was in when he was battling cancer. Doesn’t seem like much but I would love to pay the WiFi for both hospitals. One was free but the other one charged $15+ a day. Bought my dad a laptop to enjoy in one hospital but told us to hang onto our money at the other that charged for the wifi. Also would like to make the TV rentals there free as well. It’s lonely in there and it’s a little something to entertain them. Fund some cancer research cause everyone in my family has sadly died from it in one form or another. Build low income houses and pay taxes/mortgage for them. Then have fun adventures for myself and a kick ass house with an awesome home theatre and indoor pool by the lake. well I can dream
  4. Yeah the saliva test isn’t very accurate and some prime ministers (Doug Ford) Isn’t a fan of them because of the inaccuracies in the results. My friend has been smoking weed for over 10 years and is a wake and baker. I don’t encourage people doing it but he said he would rather see a person high on the road than a drunk on the road. Which brings it back to what Jason was saying about the speed involved in these crashes. The reason why my friend would rather see a high driver on the road is because of the paranoia the drug would bring out in the person. He says they would be more cautious because of the paranoia and would cause them to drive slower/more cautiously. Compare to a drunk driver who would be less alert/carefree of their surroundings. I can’t argue against it and can’t argue for it either, but he might be right.
  5. Reminder that it’s out now. Just finished watching the first episode and enjoyed it. Let’s just hope the editing gets better as it was pretty damn rough and choppy. Although I am loving the use of the Dolby Atmos sound for the series
  6. I know they will be studying us Canadians closely on this. Top news story for Toronto was over a SUV brushing against a tanker and flipping rolling on its side for 300m. Driver apparently got out mostly unharmed, screaming and laughing. They don’t know yet if it were alcohol, weed or other drugs. You wonder with the increase in opioid use was ever brought into consideration/factored into their state studies.
  7. He’s so fucking right you guys. Times to remove all them trees and bushes.Can’t wait for California to get rain again and then blame them for not having the trees and bushes to help stop all of them mudslides from happening
  8. Glad I bought my illegal weed before they shutdown the dispensaries this week. Should be good until my shit is ready
  9. I made a final trip on the weekend into Hamilton, Ontario because they have like 40+ shops. I know a few were closing down yesterday because they hope they can go legit come April. Some were handing out cards and would do a delivery service to hopefully get around it. Like chakoo said, I don’t expect much change overall. People who wanted to use, already had tons of ways to get it before it became legal, and still do. The Ontario online store doesn’t have a great variety in my opinion, but is expected to expand the variety over the coming months. At least I have what I need until my harvest is done hopefully just before Xmas
  10. Someone I worked with a few months back was there and said the Pineapple Express was great, and I would suggest Cinderella 99 if they have that in. Can’t go wrong with Girl Scout Cookies too
  11. UPGRADE 4.5/5 PQ: 4/5 AQ: 4.25/5 A hyped movie I kept reading/hearing about that lived up to that hype. Hard to believe this from the guy who made Saw, but it does show his gruesome roots. The lead does a great job between his quadriplegic act to being more machine than man. I don’t want to say too much more about the movie so you can enjoy the ride. The video is good but not the sharpest looking either, but the sound is good for the intense moments. Go see this movie now (and no I DIDN’T toke anything beforehand)
  12. Brother bought some like 5 years ago and loved them. Been in Canada for some time now at Loblaw store locations
  13. Doesn’t look that bad. I remember as a kid watching this and He-Man back to back after school. It’s from the same creator of Steven Universe and it has become a pretty damn good show. So bring it on
  14. Yes please. I love Lucifer the show and being from the same creator, it does seem to be in the same vein/tone as that. So it has my ass set to watch when released.
  15. Hated hated hated Dreamcatcher BUT his duel personality performance is/was pure Norman/Goblin persona . . . .minus the odd accent
  16. I hope they cast Damien Lewis if they do. Plus in the comics, doesn’t Norman buy/take over Avengers Tower
  17. I’m actually kind of looking forward to the pg-13 cut. I hope they do some funny shit that would be obviously seen as a cover for R rated dialog. I want to see some bad dubbing on screen like a Godzilla film.
  18. AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR 3D 4.5/5 Got my copy 2 days ago from Zavvi (need my steelbook 3D) and watched tonight. Except for one panning scene when the camera pans past our heroes faces in Wakanda (bad ghosting but 5 secs top) This is one hell of a solid disc and a must have in your 3D collection (if you have the capability to do so) I watched this after toking some weed with my cousin and her husband. (Strain was Cinderella 99 again) Let’s just say some of the outer space scenes were just mesmerizing as hell. The picture quality is solid start to finish and I think that is thanks to the IMAX cameras used to film this movie. Really felt like you were stuck out there in space with them. Sound (once adjusted) was pretty good, but still lacks a real oomph of impact. What the hell is Disney thinking, not releasing it here in at least a special Best Buy steelbook like Guardians 2. Thank god for the UK
  19. They’re back in fucking fine form. Randy and his “charade” acts were nearly putting me in tears of laughter. Plus *takes deep breath* I Too have yet to see Black Panther (although I’m white and waited for my 3D bluray copy to arrive) I missed you guys
  20. Or you guys could move up north. No Trump, dreamy Justin and legalized marijuana in 3 1/2 weeks. Plus you can grow 4 plants on your own too (well except Manitoba and Quebec I believe) I jumped the gun early and forgot how to count
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