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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. So he is just trying to one up Obama again. Must of gotten the idea from that South Park episode when Obama took office but it was for a heist and not for the presidency. God, that his his first term so far, but at least Obama decides he wants to try to be the president in the end of the episode.
  2. I always like the Family Guy video they did. Pretty much did it in a weeks time too
  3. This sounds like a possible plot for this new James Bond film that is taking forever to get filmed. I feel like Stan Marsh waking up and hearing nothing but Shit coming out from everywhere. Nothing is good news and more shit seems to be happening everyday
  4. God these updates scare me every time the thread is updated. Being alive or dead conspiracy theories I’m not surprised but they are taking it to extremes the wackos are. Kinda becoming like South Park and Slash being real or not
  5. Titanfall 2 was a blast and loved the hell out of it. I can find brand new copies of the X1 game at my local dollar store (Dollarama Canadian users if you’re looking) for $4Cnd. Sadly I am out of the gaming world for a month with my hand/wrist in a cast after some surgery
  6. That the 7th movie and it was a bloated mess. Still need to watch my copy of Furious 8, but I surpringsly really liked this trailer. Looks like Leitch took the same playful Deadpool tone to this movie too
  7. Love Batman Beyond series. I wonder, if this turns out to be true. Will it be after the series ended or after the Ultimate Justice League episode where Terry finds out that Bruce is his biological dad
  8. This I’m not surprised with, can’t access like 20 of my movies already. Even worse being Canadian because we can’t link with Movies Anywhere (that it’s name?) because some movies have different distributors here then in the states.
  9. THE INCREDIBLES 2 ★★★★/5 3D: 4.25/5 AQ: 4.5/5 I enjoyed this movie much better on my 2nd viewing. Saw it in theatres back in July and liked the movie, but found it lacking. This 2nd viewing I noticed the subtle things I missed before (minus the obvious bad guy) Also thought the 3D was pretty weak too, but thank god for the home theatre experience. Much better colours and great depth throughout. Audio was jacked up on the receiver but when I found the sweet spot is was a great track with *shock face* good bass too. Well worth the import from the UK.
  10. She is certifiably insane. People like her got the stupid man elected and still can’t see over the the one wall Trump has been able to make. The one he has made outta all the bullshit that comes out of him, day after day
  11. He just can’t stay to script. Wonder if they put him out in the elements to make him stay on topic to get his ass back in bed for tv time
  12. Love reading the FoxNews comments from people. Some calling it unfair, biased and Clinton is the criminal they should be going after. Then someone said that if Trump wanted Clinton arrested so badly, that he should of just asked her to joined his campaign team.
  13. Canada doesn’t allow ads for marijuana but it sill seems to be selling well. They had less restrictions on advertising before its legalization. I think you don’t need the ads if people know that it’s legal and able to purchase.
  14. Although don’t federal courts potentially run out of money on Feb 1st. Another reason to keep the shutdown going and for Mueller to push things forward
  15. Yeah I see it appear a few times every hour on CNN. Would of been interesting to see the commercial and actual reaction of the people. its been handy with me and my recent wrist surgery. Gave me Percocets for the pain but they don’t do too much for me, but grew my own stuff and works great combined. Sure I’m still in pain but a much more bearable pain then just using the Perc’s
  16. Surprised not to see anything up for this yet. First episode was released today and was pretty fun with them racing American Muscle Cars in Detroit. Need to catch up on the past seasons but I might have to do that over the coming weeks
  17. Irish man tries to cure his back pain by injecting himself with his own semen for over a year and a half. Goes as expected
  18. I seriously just had wrist surgery today but reading this news still makes me want to just
  19. I too would of just kept it Chapter 3 but at least the tile means something (if people search online and/or use a dictionary PARABELLUM - Latin for "prepare for war”
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