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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. I believe I have only bought one receiver from them and that was their first receiver to release with an 2 HDMI input and a single output. (Wanna say it was the 605 unit) Also wonder if their HDMI board issues a few years back is what helped setup its decline/bankruptcy today. Part of the reason why I never bought another unit of theirs was because of that news. I’ve had the following receivers over the past 20+ years RCA(HTiB), Marantz, Onkyo, Sony, back to Marantz and now trying Denon. So far my favourite for just pure raw power it output was my Sony receiver, but was replaced for Atmos capability. Might be replaced by the Denon, when I finally get it and hear it in action. Spider-Man: No Way Home will be my first movie of choice to watch
  2. That was probably one of the bravest things I have seen someone say on that news propaganda show yet. He doesn’t mince words on how bad they’re doing and the the true fighting spirit/weapon power the Ukrainian forces have. He pretty much is saying RETREAT and cut your losses in some ways, but knows that won’t happen.
  3. Man I need sleep. I thought I was right the first time. oh well, Fixed my Fix
  4. That what they’ve been talking about for the past week or so on the news for Ontario youth. It’s presenting like meningitis and was just recently linked to the latest variants of Omicron circulating out there
  5. New boss in charge liked the Snyder Cut reception and looks like we might be just days away from an Ayer Cut official announcement for a HBO Max release this year. It can’t be any worse then what WB thought we deserved back then
  6. Winter we keep things around 68-70f, and in the summer we try to keep things around 70-72f. Do it for the dogs mostly in the summer time but I like it cooler for sleep reasons. I actually hate when we have to put the heat on in the house at night, because my room just gets too warm.
  7. This is true as I was a former Pepsi employee out of the Mississauga plant. Our fleet of drivers drove most product directly to the source like Walmart, Costco and Supermarkets. They were our bulk drivers who would also take a truck load or three to some of the other distributors like Wallace and Carey, Gordon’s Fine Food and Amazon. These drops are for smaller distributions like senior homes, movie theatres and other small establishments. Although we also have drivers that did a good chunk of convenience stores, newsstands, restaurants, hospitals, airports and more. Use to have people who work at the plant on our fountain/slushie/vending machines, and cooler repairs. Although when I was let go last year (wrist injury) they were just moving out to a different facility to work out of.
  8. Well someone on another political board thought it was worth posting this. You know with the way things keep going and all.
  9. I remember them on The Dean Blundell Show when they first came out and I remember someone mentioning brother and sister. Unless it was something people ran with for a bit like with White Stripes
  10. Like their stuff too, but it was a little creepy how close the 2 of them get and some of the looks they shoot at each other. You know, being brother and sister and all.
  11. Don’t worry @SuperSpreader I too haven’t seen Top Gun or Cocktail. I have heard the soundtrack for Cocktail on repeat from my sisters room years and years ago. So no desire really to see it, but I have at least I’ve tried to watch Top Gun. Receiver crapped out on me 1st attempt and yesterday (to watch out of boredom) it was listed on CBS. I also get the Buffalo feed and they sadly were covering the shooting instead.
  12. Wordle 330 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Framed #65 🎥 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ https://framed.wtf
  13. So I watched the 2nd episode (and rewatched the first again so Mom could catch up) I don’t think I have had such a consistent belly laugh for an episode and a long time. The doctor was great and loved seeing the pen shooting out of the hand all the time. Although that imaginary girlfriend skit was classic KITH too me. I could almost hear the old CBC live audience laugh as they take their moment in the glowing light just to monologue their love. I knew how it was gonna play out but I still loved the ride.
  14. As a DMB fan and having seen them twice in concert . . . I agree that they can jam on one song for wwwaaaaayyyyyyyyy too long sometimes. The occasional covers could be great but I was let down with my first concert from DMB. (Wasn’t the worst) Although the 2nd outing was better with a killer cover of Sledgehammer. Funny enough, I prefer the sound of their live performances over most of the studio stuff (little more emotion in the singing sometimes) I actually followed the last DMB concert by seeing Foo Fighters two nights later and was a great and lively crowd.
  15. People are just going to get crazier and more violent as we get closer to these midterms. Plus the Republicans will find something else to blame this massacre on, and say it’s thanks to the Democrats. Thank god we have the Supreme Court taking up that gun law challenge from New York State. They’ll clear these things up for their fellow Americans on whether they should prepare for another Civil War or not.
  16. Wordle 329 5/6* ⬛🟨🟨⬛🟨 🟨🟩🟨⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟨⬛🟨 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Framed #64 🎥 🟥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ https://framed.wtf
  17. Wow that was fast with the late release of Season 3. . . . not complaining. Again I wish I were able to see them film being so close to the house with my previous job.
  18. My worst live show was from Meatloaf in Toronto. He was inconsistent with his vocals and looked really out of it. I’ll add a wrinkle into the conversation. Best Warm-Up Band you saw before the main event and became a fan of their music because of that chance encounter. My easy choice is Bear’s Den who opened up for Mumford and Sons during their Babel tour. Pretty sure I would of completely ignored them if I didn’t hear them live. I could of met them too after their performance, but didn’t.
  19. I only did the first episode because my mother wants to watch as well. Well we have watched Deadwood together, well you get to see some floppy dead-ish wood. I won’t spoil why they are back but I had a good laugh on how they did. I hope it does well and that we get more future episodes of the kids. Especially when they only give us 8 episodes after being off the air for 30 years
  20. I got my 3D copy ready for viewing and have been trying to watch it since the end of august of 2021. Still waiting on my replacement receiver to start attacking my backlog of movies
  21. Its where I went right away and wonder what the PH is on the soil. Imagine Moon Rocks made by growing the weed in Moon Rock soil
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