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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. Down 48 pounds since March. Eat less, move more. Interval run today kicked my ass. Normally I'll do an easy 5 mile run with tons of gas in the tank, but today was 4 miles and I was out.
  2. Nope, but my wife does. Damn throw pillows.
  3. None of their sauces are hot. Verde was the best but Merica.
  4. I never really left... Just too busy to post
  5. High level gamer, I think that was his name.
  6. Just me after a run. Down 45 pounds since March, 220 to 175. F dad bod
  7. I'm probably going to end up playing more on the Xbox than my pc. HDR on my oled is way better looking than my gsync lcd monitor.
  8. They need to add this to the uhd player. I don't want to buy a seperate player for Dolby Vision.
  9. I have a pro and one x and pre-ordered the one x version. I'm assuming it's going to be the best version.
  10. Why is xbl so gd slow? I want to play but it's taking forever.
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