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Everything posted by legend

  1. Yeah I will never understand the need of people to lie and exaggerate when the truth is sufficient to make your point.
  2. Well, she just confirmed PG's side, but denied the asking for 6 figures part. Her thread:
  3. Tensor cores certainly help (not sure if they had any other relevant hardware for the frame generation added), but the bigger issue, IMO, is AMD just hasn't invested nearly as much in their libraries for ML. Nvidia is constantly improving their low-level libraries, which provide super optimized implementations for common ML architectures. These speed ups are non-trivial. Merely updating your Nvidia drivers and their library (CuDNN) can result in big speed boosts for your ML workload. AMD could gain a lot of ground simply by getting their software up to speed and leveraging standard matrix multiply operations that GPUs are already good at.
  4. I'm less sure if general-purpose plug-in-play AI frame generation would work well at lower framerates, but there is a possible world in which you fine tune the model on your game so that captures the game-specific stuff that happens at that time scale.
  5. Then he'll get a taste of his own medicine when a bot screens the call!
  6. Psh. Language models are the most boring of AI tech, despite their current popularity. (Though I am interested in language integrated with other stuff and text to images is a step in the right direction) Oh god, that's a blast from the past.
  7. IMO, AMD should aim for better AI acceleration for the next console generation period. Modern AI is coming hard for games in lots of ways not limited super sampling and frame generation.
  8. When you get the final fireworks that released with 1.0, they give you *a lot* of money I'm not even sure what to do with it. All characters I've found are unlocked and I have all power ups (except the curse one deliberately)
  9. All this technology is good, but our lack of legal preparation to avoid exploitation is not.
  10. By "his business" do you mean any of his businesses or his personal wealth? I think you can find dumb shit in both, but these are different things with different answers.
  11. I guess I don't really care to thread that fine a needle! The dude is a cancer on society with shit ideas and the only reason he's made it this far is because he was born wealthy and has no problem exploiting people. If you (figuratively, not you sbl) seek success by making shit and exploiting society, then you're a small minded privledged moron.
  12. For some reason, I still wouldn't classify that as an overwhelmingly positive business development.
  13. The dude is making tiny tunnels with no place to escape for teslas to drive 3MPH through.
  14. lol I just murdered death in less than 1 minute (~30:40). I'm so OP at this point.
  15. I wouldn't be quite so iron clad about it. It certainly wouldn't be the first time a giant social media platform collapsed. If you make the product shit, people will just move on to the next big thing. That's kind of the way of tech.
  16. Sure, but why does it matter if they show that or not? If you don't plan on following his thread at this point, there isn't any value to showing that he's not in fact dead. The people who know he lives certainly don't gain anything by seeing that, and it won't communicate anything important to the people who don't.
  17. Well, well, well, look whose AI experiment doesn't look so expensive now.
  18. I don't think it's important that the audience thinks Isildur is dead and I don't think the story is banking on that. It's important that his father thinks he's dead.
  19. Maybe the closer equivalent would be to ask about Arkane since Arkane, like Edgerunners, was actually good? (But Edgerunners was still better.)
  20. I got the scroll of morbane which opens the secret menu revealing that there are a fuck ton of secrets to complete in this game that I didn't know about! Aside from the secrets, most of my remaining "unlocks" though are just "get to level 99 with character x" and a few survive for 31 minutes since I only played a build for death on the first level (when I also murdered him). Pretty sure at this point the remaining unlocks will be pretty easy and just a matter of doing them one by one.
  21. Yes, I agree with that Sorry if my first responses came off as hostile. I just wanted to make sure you weren't interpreting it as allowing you to save scum or something or if I misunderstood the feature. I can sympathize. For me, I've come to enjoy hard games again, even in my older age, but only when they are not big time sinks. If I'm going to have to retread hours to get back to a challenging point, it's probably not something I'll enjoy because I don't have huge time blocks to dedicate anymore. Hades was borderline for me, because it would take ~hour to get back to the final boss (Hades) to practice the fight for just a minute, but I did eventually finish that and then some, and enjoyed it. The thing I like about hard games, assuming they respect your time and are fair, is they remind you that you can still get better at something if you work at it. It's easy to fall into a mentality that if you can't succeed at something quickly that you just cannot do it. But this is basically never true and is a counterproductive attitude to form. People who are good at things failed a lot to get there, and playing hard games reminds you of that. /deepthoughts Returning the original topic, if you're new to Rougelikes, you might want to consider Rogue Legacy 2. It has a whole bunch of "house rules" to literally make it easier with no restriction (you still get the same achievements), and many of the built-in mechanics make it possible to jump straight to the new boss you're fighting so that you don't have to retread ground.
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