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Everything posted by legend

  1. Even when things must end, the optimal policy is to extract as much value as you can until then! Aside from that, I do hope that we can course correct.
  2. In aggregate, there has most definitely been an upward trend in humanity across time. In the best world, this is all a blip and we course correct. My issue is things are falling apart fast and I don't see a solution to foundational problems that are causing it. Social media, for example, is just fucking awful on average for people, even though there are great use cases for it. It empowers the worst part of humanity. Climate change and fighting pandemics are on a coordination scale that humanity has never had to face before, and it's unclear we can get people to course correct. I'd say people will ignore it until the suffering is immense, but by that point all indicating is the same kind of people will be saying "well there's nothing we can do now, might as well carry on," so even that isn't a given. Humanity has a culture problem that interacts badly with the new technologies we have. I wish I knew how to fix it.
  3. Really? Cause let me tell you, I'm really loving having this dread. I love that women have had some of their rights stripped away. I love that people reject science for feels. I love that lack of action against climate change as we reach tipping points. I love that we still have a pandemic and shit policies for combating it. It feels so great being aware of this and not seeing a path to make humanity actually work.
  4. All true, but unfortunately, unlike the past, humanity is uniquely equipped in this era to wipe ourselves out or seriously damage ourselves. Big stumbles now have the potential for far more permanent damage. So if we fall too far now, we might be in for a much bigger world hurt. One which is much more tragic given our potential to be so much better than we are.
  5. Can't wait to measure what my hope for humanity is after today.
  6. Sure sounds like the Ioniq is the favorite in these parts. I'll have to look into it.
  7. I'm one of them. I would have loved to get a Tesla before. I held out because in the apartment I lived in before, there would be no place to charge it. Now I have a house and garage where I could charge one, but I will not support Tesla anymore.
  8. Naturally, his fans can't blame Musk for his failing. It's all the left's fault! It can't possibly be that someone who was good at this would have anticipated that their ideas would turn people and advertisers on them, because that would mean Musk is actually pretty garbage at all this, but Musk is the best! Ergo, he must not be the one to blame!
  9. You think that because Musk invested in the company and that because it took a some years before they had a product to deliver, that that indicates that he's a genius engineer/scientist? Are you under the impression that a brand new car company working on electric car tech that didn't exist in the mainstream should have had a fully working car in fewer years than they did and that Musk eventually pushing people out (their words) and then delivering a product is evidence that he saved the engineering with his brilliant ideas? No I'm not. The very first thing I said in my post that you quoted (though you snipped this bit) was I'm not sure how you think I was talking about anything other than people's beliefs that he's this genius engineer/scientist. There simply isn't any evidence of that, and in fact the things we do know about him reveals he doesn't actually know all that much, but he certainly likes to think he does. EDIT: Let me give you a little more context about where I'm coming from. Back when Elon didn't constantly insert himself into the limelight, I was duped into believing that he was an excellent engineer pushing boundaries, much like many other significant engineers started doing things in their garage and worked their way out. Maybe not a "genius" but I certainly thought he was talented. But then he started talking a lot more publicly (or at least getting more attention) and the stuff he said was not inspiring. Then he started talking about AI a lot more, and from that vantage I could be absolutely certain that he was full of shit. But he still talked like he's some expert on the matter. Increasingly, the more he spoke about anything I knew anything about, the more I wanted to scream into a pillow. Then you have his continual spiral into being a massive fucking cunt on top. And then you start learning about his history not actually being impressive at all. The man is fucking charlatan who is only getting worse and more people need to be aware of it. If someone hasn't paid attention to him, I can understand still being under the illusion that he's some impressive engineer. I really hope to wake those people up. And if someone has been paying attention, but still believe that, then they're fucking mad and as bad a red hat.
  10. I don't think they're mutually exclusive things to be clear, but his history is not one of being a great inventor. He didn't pioneer the ideas of Tesla and its engineering. At best, you can argue it's evidence of him being a good investor. My most positive opinion of Musk is he might be good at managing logistics.
  11. What do you think that context means in terms of him being a genius who invents things no one else can?
  12. If you think Elon Musk is a genius, I have to imagine that you've never worked with anyone who actually is a brilliant engineer or scientist. I also have to imagine you don't actually know much about his history of shit like buying Tesla after it already existed and putting into a lawsuit settlement years later that he gets to call himself a founder even though he wasn't.
  13. My mother-in-law was telling my wife the other day that when she (and my father-in-law) pass, that we should save the money they'll leave us and in general be careful with money in case we need to flee the country in the future. So apparently some of the older generation isn't very optimistic either! Do it. Even if you only are on something for a short time it can be a big help. A few years ago or so my anxiety was hitting really hard every day. Made me constantly feel sick. I went on some medication for a few months, and it basically reset me. I still have some anxiety problems, but no where near as bad as it was.
  14. I don't skip a game just because of difficulty. There's plenty of hard game experiences I've played through. But I will if I think the difficulty is uninteresting, which is really just another way of saying the game is uninteresting
  15. He takes credit for things he didn't do. Think's he's an expert in things he's not. Has a fragile ego that causes him to lash out and abuse his power/wealth to take down people he feels slighted by. Is generally exploitive of people and systems. Pretends to care about principles, but doesn't. Has no self awareness of any of this.
  16. Elon will be quick to remind you when you have that accident that causes your girl to bite your dick off that you're not supposed to let autopilot drive without your attention because it hasn't actually solved the problem.
  17. Thanks. I think they're right in the short term that gaming and AI applications are mostly different spaces. It's also true that regular GPUs are pretty good at "inference" of AI models without special support. But all that is not going to hold true for that long. What Nvidia is doing with AI and gaming is is only the beginning and it would be a benefit to AMD to have more dedicated support.
  18. Did they announce anything about AI software support?
  19. I really really hope you're being ironic. Elon is a fucking moron when it comes to AI. He's actually pretty stupid in a lot of dimensions, but I can say with authority that he blows goats when it comes to understanding AI tech.
  20. Yeah I think there is room for criticism, but it was quite solid overall and not in need of major change.
  21. Yeah I'm not sure the audience score is especially meaningful and I *really* hope they don't actually try to chase the nonsense that came from the criticism.
  22. It's not polished and has a content problem, I agree. That said, make sure you are reading the "federated" timeline for something more similar to the Twitter timeline. If you read "home" you'll only get content from people you're following, which, especially at this stage, is basically nothing.
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