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Everything posted by legend

  1. I want to play this, but the Witcher 3 patch has higher priority, and it will be a while to finish it
  2. I think a lot of your points are fair, but I think there are a couple events that have reasonable explanations to them.
  3. This is the most pretentious best movie list I've ever read! I can practically smell the wine they're swirling!
  4. Inter-species reproduction exists in reality, so that's not a reason to rule out "species" being the right term. Very uncommon, but still exists.
  5. I also hate that trope with a passion. It doesn't promote a good image for women that they have to put up with a moron because boys will be boys or something either. Both men and women are worse for the trope. I'm not sure if it will play that way or not in the movie or, but it does give off a vibe that Mario is going to be a clumsy fool, which feels wrong to me. My mental image of Mario is goofy but extremely competent in a zany world. The jumps and flips my man does is pure elegance. Otherwise, I'm fully on board with making Peach exceptionally competent herself. I definitely do *not* want a rescuing Peach plot. Fuck that shit. Guess we'll see.
  6. I finished the game over the weekend and overall it really is great. There are a few things that were annoying, but it's hard to fault the whole package. I think that thing that annoyed me more than anything was the god damn hostile plant life. All it does is slow the game down so you can't sprint around because maybe there is an exploding plant you have to hit from a distance before you can carry on. Camera lock definitely becomes an issue in some of the boss fights. The berserkers in particular make it basically useless to camera lock because you can't sprint away if you're locked on. But then at the same time, you can't whip the camera round fast enough at times when the enemy is teleporting around. One of my favorite lines was from Lunda I really enjoyed the dialog across the whole game, but that one in particular was great.
  7. Europe seems like it does better than the US on worker rights (based purely on my vague impression which could be bogus ). In which case I have to imagine not paying employees will be a massive regulation violation subject to fines and class action suits? Or am I just hoping the world is better than it is?
  8. I'd give you a youtube clip but you should probably just wait to play it again. It's a great scene. So many feels that build from the whole journey up to that point.
  9. Ah alright then. Must have hallucinated it! I’d say maybe I’m thinking of Spider-Man but I think my memory can’t be trusted at this point
  10. Yeah, I just googled for a relevant phrase and found the reddit thread. Could totally be made up, but again, I wouldn't be surprised
  11. Any way to verify it? E.g., did the person talk to a journalist who verified their identity? I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it were true, because it matches how I expect things have to operate given Elon's full display of stupidity and given other things we know about him, but it would be nice to know!
  12. Myst including a journal for written notes was one of the most magical feelings for me as a kid. No one does this anymore or really since.
  13. I'm curious: who would people choose as an exemplar in this list from our more current day? Is there anyone?
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