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Posts posted by legend

  1. 3 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    I guess that I just see it as Horizon Forbidden West is both a PS4 and PS5 game, therefore additional content made for it should be made for both versions. Why create additional content for one version of the game but not the other when they’re the same game just on different consoles? Imagine if every multiplatform game did this, you don’t think that there would be gamer outrage? The only reason why there isn’t for this is because it’s a cross-gen game and not a multiplatform game. But say for example if PC versions of games got additional content while the console versions didn’t because the devs vision of what they wanted to create could only be done on PC, of course there would be gamer outrage over it. If this Burning Shores expansion was standalone instead of DLC then being PS5 only would make a little more sense to me, but being DLC is what makes it a bit confusing. However, if their vision for it can only be realized on PS5 then so be it. If I really want to play it that badly then I can wait and play it on PS5 when I eventually get one.


    Arbitrarily limiting which audience plays your content would absolutely be annoying! But as you've agreed, this isn't an arbitrary reason, it's a technical one. I would be okay with the scenario you described of PC getting special content that pushed the boundaries! That would actually be pretty awesome! Would there be outrage? Sure! This is the internet: 90% of it is just outrage :p But I don't think there ought to be and I'd gladly welcome it.


    The exception to that I'd make is if they sold the game on the promise of additional content (e.g., like a live service game) that the developer went back on later.

  2. 1 minute ago, Phaseknox said:

    Regardless if DLC was promised or not doesn’t change the fact that it still feels a bit unfair to me that they released the main game for both PS4 and PS5, but are only going to create additional content for the PS5 version. Of course they can do that if the PS4 can’t handle what they have envisioned for it which is obviously the case, but I still feel like I’m being short changed since I have the PS4 version and don’t get to experience any of the game’s additional content because it’s exclusive to the PS5 version. I don’t expect devs to compromise their vision of a game just for it to look and run well on older gen consoles, but we’re talking about DLC here not a whole new game. I’m a gaming enthusiast as well, and I also don’t want to shackle devs. I plan on getting a PS5 eventually, so I naturally want every game from this point forward to take as full advantage of it as possible and not be compromised for older gen consoles despite currently only owning a PS4. But since HFW is also a PS4 game I expected its DLC to be available for both versions of the game as well, not just for the PS5 version. But like I’ve already stated, I’m over it at this point.



    I guess I don't see why it being DLC matters or why the base game on PS4 matters. The dev want's to make something new that can only be practically done on PS5. Which means the options are:

    1) Build the thing they want.

    2) Build something else that compromises their vision that can be released on both PS5 and PS4.


    A rule that it has to support older harder because the base game released on older hardware seems arbitrary. You're ultimately still advocating for developers to compromise on what they want to build to support older hardware.

  3. 11 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

    You’re right, but it still seems a little odd to me that they would choose to make additional content for the game that can only be on PS5 when there’s also a PS4 version. I can understand them making the next full game in the series for PS5 only, but not the DLC for this one. But it is what it is, and I’m over it now. :p


    It doesn't seem unfair to me unless they promised you additional DLC with the purchase. Which I don't think they did? And if not, you did get what you paid for. I can see being irritated if we were still in the state where you're trying to get a PS5, but just can't find one and then you get left out. But we're kind of past that too.


    Regardless of the fairness of it though, I think there is a simple answer to your question: having to support older hardware is limiting and no one ones to be artificially limited in their creation. Many things can be made to scale across hardware, but not everything, and the amount you can scale shrinks as the difference in power grows. And even if it *is* possible to scale it, that doesn't make it easy and may be logistically impractical to try.


    It's why historically console generations have been important: because it frees developers to create things they may have wanted to create, but previously could not. That's the very reason they've given you for why they're making this DLC PS5 only too. Because the PS4 otherwise limits them from what they wanted to do.


    As a gaming enthusiast, I don't want to shackle developers. I want them to be able to realize the best version of the vision they have. Imposing needless constraints is a good way to get a worse product.

    • Halal 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, stepee said:

    I have a feeling this expansion, which will involve flying as a primary component and will likely expand on it a lot, will require a lot of fast asset streaming that the ps4 wouldn’t be able to keep up with. 

    They could have maybe designed a different type of dlc than they are doing, but we are way past the point where developers should be compromising anything for systems released about a decade ago.


    Yeah, the old consoles are just ancient at this point. Let's unshackle the developers already.

    • Halal 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Bacon said:

    I mean, aside from the statue it has really nothing. And pretty much every modern CE is shit and this one is no different. It had a chance of being good by being different but is is literally the most basic they could get away. 


    If your position is that other collectors editions are also shit, then we're probably on the same page :p 

    • Halal 2
  6. 29 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

    This is one of those games that I got ~20 hours into and stopped. I don’t remember exactly why. I think something happened to my save file. Anyway, enough time has passed, I could probably start over with this and it would be a pretty fresh experience. 


    You could definitely start over. 20 hours isn't *that* far into the game depending on how much you want to do sidequests (or play gwent :p ) Especailly not if you also factor in the lengthy expansions they released with it.

  7. Depends on what you mean by "bad" and if you classify that as a "problem." If a game isn't fun or worth my time relative to other games, I have no problem abandoning it. But if I enjoy it and play it for more than five hours, chances are I'm finishing it.

    • Halal 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, stepee said:

    I’m glad I checked and realized I don’t actually have Witcher 3 on steam, I have it on GOG and I didn’t want to deal with that with Steam Deck where I plan to play a lot of this also.


    Luckily the fire sale is still going, $10 for the complete edition and the dlc is also on sale separately if anyone is missing any of that and wanted to get it for this update. 



    I also re-bought it on Steam at $10 for this reason myself :p 

    • Hugs 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:

    As Bacon said... with spoilers for almost all the endgame content....


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    You didn't miss anything.


    I think the ending works best when you're going through it first and everything is popping off; hence my earlier comparison to a JJ Abrams movie. I don't know that the ending "works" at all when you stop to think about it. It works fine in the moment when you can't wait for the next bit. It's still emotionally satisfying but a lot of it is kinda flimsy especially given that most of the stuff leading up to that is pretty tight.


    But I guess Ragnarok just got dealt with offscreen? Freyr dies for like... no good reason? In the time he has to say goodbye he couldn't have gotten himself and other people out? The entire security of Asgard is dependent on nobody asking a dwarf to make a button? Surtr refuses to help you then just... changes his mind for no reason other than that the plot needs him to? Unless you do everything up front, Atreus leaves before he bothers to clean up the realm tears he was obviously bent out of shape about having caused? He doesn't stick around to see if Brok will have a funeral? If you go to Jotunheim after doing a bunch of extra side stuff Kratos has... shockingly little to communicate to or about Atreus? He has some nice moments with Agrboda, but like... he's not there with her? After the ending where it's clear that she's a main part of the reason Atreus is leaving? Yes she needs to take care of her grandmother, I get that, but that he'd leave Kratos for them to go on their mission and then they'd split seems contrived.


    This stuff is just so weird. The spear is so cool and there's so much attention to detail... it obviously calls back to Kratos being Spartan, it has the combined brand that the brothers rejoined from the first game. They reference Deimos, who originally was just on the PSP! Shit like that. Then it's all unexplained mask this, giant stuff that, whackity schmackity doooooooo, I gotta go dad, byeeeee


    In any other game I probably wouldn't care at all, it just feels out of place with the 30+ hours that precede it which has SO MUCH put into it.


    Unrelated, but I had an extremely stupid theory about where the game was headed for like... 75% of the game. This ended up being wrong, naturally. Spoilers.


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    I think a lot of your points are fair, but I think there are a couple events that have reasonable explanations to them.



    Re: Ragnarok being dealt with, I think there just isn't anything to be dealt with. They came to learn that Ragnarok would *only* destroy Asgard. With Odin (and Thor for that matter) out of the way, Asgard's fate was sealed, but the rest of the realms would go on regardless of doing anything. So there's nothing really more to do other than evacuating the people who were at Asgard, which they made clear was a priority earlier. So it ends, and yeah, Asgard is gone while the other realms remain as expected.


    Re: Surtr, he doesn't just change his mind for no reason. The reason he didn't want to help you was because he wasn't willing to merge and kill Sinmara for it. He didn't care about himself dying. When Kratos goes to leave, Surtr looks back at him as he departs and notices the Blades of Chaos (because they're on Kratos' back so he didn't really see them before that). That's when he realizes there is a way to start Ragnarok by only sacrificing himself and not her.


    You can see the moment when he notices the blades here:





    • Halal 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Bacon said:

    Totally stupid and I don't know shit, but I just thought they were all kind of the same race since there are plenty of halves. 


    Like in FFXIV, they are all "humans" or "mankind" despite being elves, cats, lizards, rabbits, hulks, potatoes, and humans. 


    Inter-species reproduction exists in reality, so that's not a reason to rule out "species" being the right term.


    Very uncommon, but still exists.

  11. 2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:


    Like man, did they play their own game before rushing it out the door to beat Dead Space Remake? 


    Edit: Sorry in advance for ranting in here just did not expect this outcome at all and was incredibly excited for this being a fan of Dead Space. 



    :/ Yeah this one is going to be a wait and see if they make improvements situation. Unfortunate.

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