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Everything posted by legend

  1. I don't exactly like most modern DC movies, but Cavill was basically the only part of the superman bits I liked. He was a great cast in otherwise shit screenplays.
  2. Yeah I think they could have communicated how the system worked better. The *only* checks I passed were ones where not only the arrows were all up but, but the bar was 100% filled (which conceivably could depend on responses in other conversations that you never had the chance to pass/fail and therefore wouldn't appear in the list). Maybe that's the intent: that you need 100% to pass any check, but my expectation going in was that it was random and you increased or decreased the odds. If it was a 100% fill to pass, that rule was never made clear except by me never passing anything that wasn't 100% filled! EDIT: Now searching online that does indeed seem to be the case. If the bar isn't 100% filled, you will fail. You will have needed to have made "correct" responses in prior conversations to make it deterministically succeed.
  3. Try not to worry too much. What can be broken in software can be fixed in software. It’s one of the great things about software! You might want to consider sharing images of your settings here for people who know about your kind of TV.
  4. I'm not able to get steam FPS either. It's because it goes through the launcher and if you do the steam overlay, it wants to put the overlay in the launcher! Something wasn't routed right. I'll have to try @stepee suggestion. But I have a pretty good feel at this point for smooth >=60 vs... not and it is in the "not" category I can say that using ultra performance DLSS and disabling the shadow raytracing removed a lot of the bigger hitches/stutter. But fluidity still feels a little off.
  5. Yeah this is hitting my 3080 harder than cyberpunk. I’m on ultra performance dlss and disabled ray tracing shadows. It’s mostly fine, but still has some problem points. I will probably notch it down a bit more because I prefer very consistent performance. The environment is beautiful maxed out though and perhaps the best I’ve seen. The sunsets are crazy good. Character models are actually showing their age though when compared to HFW and GoWR.
  6. Never enough. Despite Schmidhuber's protests, LSTMs are old news. The current layer responsible for these LLMs and many other things is the transformer. MLPs are shockingly still alive and well. Virtually every architecture includes an MLP as part of it's design. That's right, human-like intelligence is still the gold standard by a large margin, despite the GOPs best efforts to reverse that. Not exactly. Supervised and self-supervised learning are responsible for most industry waves, but AI is thankfully much bigger than just dataset fitting. Almost surely not true. Modern digital computers probably don't have close to the effective compute of a the human brain, and especially not on a per watt basis. So for practical reasons, it might not end up being the computational substrate of the future for AI. We might have to invent new computer architectures. However, for digital computers to be insufficient in principle, the Church-Turing thesis would have to wrong. That is a FAR more fantastical claim than saying digital computers can replicate human-like intelligence and it has really weird implications about reality. AI won't enslave you. But powerful human actors wielding AI might.
  7. Arbitrarily limiting which audience plays your content would absolutely be annoying! But as you've agreed, this isn't an arbitrary reason, it's a technical one. I would be okay with the scenario you described of PC getting special content that pushed the boundaries! That would actually be pretty awesome! Would there be outrage? Sure! This is the internet: 90% of it is just outrage But I don't think there ought to be and I'd gladly welcome it. The exception to that I'd make is if they sold the game on the promise of additional content (e.g., like a live service game) that the developer went back on later.
  8. I guess I don't see why it being DLC matters or why the base game on PS4 matters. The dev want's to make something new that can only be practically done on PS5. Which means the options are: 1) Build the thing they want. 2) Build something else that compromises their vision that can be released on both PS5 and PS4. A rule that it has to support older harder because the base game released on older hardware seems arbitrary. You're ultimately still advocating for developers to compromise on what they want to build to support older hardware.
  9. It doesn't seem unfair to me unless they promised you additional DLC with the purchase. Which I don't think they did? And if not, you did get what you paid for. I can see being irritated if we were still in the state where you're trying to get a PS5, but just can't find one and then you get left out. But we're kind of past that too. Regardless of the fairness of it though, I think there is a simple answer to your question: having to support older hardware is limiting and no one ones to be artificially limited in their creation. Many things can be made to scale across hardware, but not everything, and the amount you can scale shrinks as the difference in power grows. And even if it *is* possible to scale it, that doesn't make it easy and may be logistically impractical to try. It's why historically console generations have been important: because it frees developers to create things they may have wanted to create, but previously could not. That's the very reason they've given you for why they're making this DLC PS5 only too. Because the PS4 otherwise limits them from what they wanted to do. As a gaming enthusiast, I don't want to shackle developers. I want them to be able to realize the best version of the vision they have. Imposing needless constraints is a good way to get a worse product.
  10. Is the character you play Zagreus's (the PC of the first) daughter? She has the same eyes. EDIT: Nvm, it's his sister.
  11. Is it? I mean, relative to other collections editions is that actually bad? It looks like the same kind of collectors edition useless trinkets you get anywhere
  12. He just saunters up from back, not even sitting near them, and pats em on the back walking up the steps!
  13. You could definitely start over. 20 hours isn't *that* far into the game depending on how much you want to do sidequests (or play gwent ) Especailly not if you also factor in the lengthy expansions they released with it.
  14. Depends on what you mean by "bad" and if you classify that as a "problem." If a game isn't fun or worth my time relative to other games, I have no problem abandoning it. But if I enjoy it and play it for more than five hours, chances are I'm finishing it.
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