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Posts posted by legend

  1. 1 hour ago, Ominous said:

    So AI looks at the work of "real artists" and develops a way to mimic that. 

    Modern artists look at hundreds of years of art from real artists and their work is 100% original.


    Did I get that right? 


    I'd say that's some of what artists do, but hardly the bulk of it. At least not for the talented ones. I'd say the best artists are trying to express something they feel, and those expressions take new form depending on the circumstances of modern life that motivate it.


    It's no secret that I don't think there's anything "special" about humans that cannot be captured in sufficiently advanced machines. But to pretend that what these current AI models do is the same as what people do is to misunderstand and cheapen how complex intelligence and human cognition is. If all AI tech amounted to was variations on this current form of generative models, it would be a tragedy and great disappointment and I'd consider the entire AI project a colossal failure.

  2. 1 hour ago, TUFKAK said:

    No, I think people are actual people not characters. Need only go to a rally, ya know, where people are, to see ways catchphrases plastered on signs.


    Those same people have argued for moral relativism lol I think we can safety discount that. 


    I don't think rallies or protests are meant to be persuasive. They're meant to be a show of force and express dissatisfaction with the state of affairs that they will oppose and fight against. They are meant to be a force that has to be addressed. The closest they get to persuasion is to be an entry to raise awareness about problems that onlookers may have missed or missed being as being as substantial as they are.

  3. 3 hours ago, TUFKAK said:

    It’s a reductionist argument those of us with a similar cultural and ethical background understand based upon said shared cultural and ethical backgrounds have.

    Like your focus on “rational thought” is also cultural derived and limited to this specific context which is based on two historical contexts.


    i respect you, you have a mind I always have wished I possessed, I’ve had to work to get where I am. but I fundamentally disagree with you here.

    Our humanity is more important than a logical proof, and let’s not forget rationalism has been used to forgive the unforgivable. Ethics aren’t just a collection of 1s and 0s


    i stand by statement, bodily autonomy is sacrosanct and I will take anyone to the mat who denies that.


    the counter argument is this. If it’s not my body my choice, whose body and whose choice? I’ll gladly have this debate.


    In this very thread you have people questioning the validity of the catchphrase and it's not persuading people. I don't think you should expect it to either, because, again, it's not an actual argument.  But if you are expecting people to be swayed by a catchphrase you must not think very highly of them :p 

  4. 20 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    He's always seemed like the kind of guy to get into extremely technical and long discussions with folks on Twitter, you should voice this directly to him!

    I’ve responded to his bad takes before, but he never responded. And visiting his reply threads is vomit inducing from all the Musk-like fanboys he has :p  (That part isn’t really his fault but annoying all the same!)

  5. 53 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

    Catchphrases convey points we can agree on; I disagree completely with you here.


    My body my choice conveys the argument that my bodily autonomy is sacrosanct and not open for interpretation from the masses. If we don’t own our bodies, none of this matters.

    See above. 

     “My body my choice” isn’t an argument. It’s an overly simplistic declaration with no supporting reason that happens to sound nice aesthetically. Declaring your bodily autonomy is sacrosanct is similarly not an argument. It’s at best an overly broad conclusion lacking the argument that gets you there.

  6. Just now, stepee said:


    Maybe he will have time to soak it all in now that he quit!


    It doesn’t excite me either (not for those reasons, as I’ve never heard his AI talks) but just because there aren’t many people his level in the gaming space and I’d rather he stay there either on engine development or building emerging tech like VR or if working on AI, as some kind of enemy/npc AI tech that can be incorporated to engines or smtn.


    Yeah I have mixed feels about it. I won't begrudge anyone for deciding to change the direction of their career. If he wants to move into AI research that's fine. But I will begrudge him for doing it badly while acting like an authority :p 


    I can tell you with certainty that integrating modern AI into game agent design will happen in the future whether he helps or not though! So there's that :) 

    • stepee 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, stepee said:


    He’s joining your field now too!


    That, unfortunately, I'm less enthusiastic about. Carmarck still has a pretty naïve view of AI, but that hasn't stopped him from making any number of bad AI takes. The kind you would expect of a college student who thinks they know what they're talking about because they're in a CS program. Positioning his company as an "AGI" company with goals to achieve "AGI" soon also really rubs me the wrong way and just further fuels the VC tech bro hype machine.


    He's indisputably a great programmer, but has a strong tech bro side to him when it comes to AI. I'd be happier if he either focused on making more computationally efficient AI tech (which he'd be great at), or do a better job understanding the research field before acting like an authority on it with bad takes and misguided research directions.

  8. 1 hour ago, BloodyHell said:

    On @sblfilmsside, id be a lot more outraged if artists had stood against computers taking jobs in factories, instead of taking the “It’ll never affect me” approach. This will ruin far fewer families than that did. 

    on the artists side, fuck corporations.


    "Artists" are not united by any core ideology. It's an incredibly diverse group of people of all kinds of different politics and philosophies with people that evolve with the times as much as anything. As such, I'm not sure it's fair to attribute to the whole group any position like whether they were for or against factory automation.


    I do also think artists have a bit more of a claim in this case. These AI tools could only be made because of the direct work of artists. But these artists never consented nor were compensated for their work that was crucial to make the tool. It's pretty fucked to me to just take their work and then profit from it. (Models that are never used for any profitable venture like research seem like fair game to me though.)


    I'm certainly not inherently against distribution matching AI tools for art and I think artists themselves will ultimately benefit from it, but only *if* we build proper laws, regulations, and systems around it. In fact, properly compensating artists to help tune these models would be to everyone's benefit.

    • Thanks 1
    • Halal 2
  9. 16 minutes ago, stepee said:


    Strange! It’s definitely a bit wonky! For me the weirdest thing is when I pause and go through menus it goes to like 40fps? But the game then runs fine!


    Yeah I think there's just no excuse for this oddity and I'm hoping they fix it. It sounds like in an inverse of events, the console versions were better optimized this time!

  10. Oof. I had done some of the suggestions to let me boot with the steam overlay for FPS. That let me test some things out. Basically, any ray tracing is almost entirely binary in performance. Ray tracing shadows is basically the only thing that makes a difference turning individually off. Otherwise changing no other settings (individual ray tracing elements or other graphics features) will dent the performance at all as long as ray tracing is on.


    I was, however, getting low 60s to upper 50s FPS though, which with G-sync wasn't that bad. So I was reasonably happy. However, I decided to try updating my graphics driver to the latest to see if there were any optimizations for it, because if it pushed it above 60 more consistently that would be nice. After updating my driver, it's running at mid 30s - 40s! And much more stuttering! The driver update made the performance substantially worse!!


    So uh. that sucks. I think I'm going to hold off for a patch. Something aint right here.

    • Shocked 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    There are instances, however, where you can make incorrect responses and correct responses and you'll still pass. Like I guess the negative won't outweigh the bad. 🤷‍♀️


     I can see that. I think the key regardless is whether the bar is 100% and perhaps you can get it there for some checks even if you have a negative point. I.e., they probably have a "mini point total to succeed" and if you pass that threshold, the bar displays 100% and you succeed; fail otherwise.

  12. On 12/13/2022 at 10:16 AM, Bloodporne said:

    It's weird. I'm not really stressing about it and like the idea of "well, that's how the conversation went!" but just wish I had more of an idea prior how I could possibly influence this. It's hard not to directly compare it to Disco Elysium where you never get stuck in those but can actually opt to influence them in several ways. But I appreciate the tip either way. 


    I actually have yet to fully finish the game, I'm way at the end I think but week has been crazy hectic so no play time. 


    Yeah I think they could have communicated how the system worked better. The *only* checks I passed were ones where not only the arrows were all up but, but the bar was 100% filled (which conceivably could depend on responses in other conversations that you never had the chance to pass/fail and therefore wouldn't appear in the list). Maybe that's the intent: that you need 100% to pass any check, but my expectation going in was that it was random and you increased or decreased the odds. If it was a 100% fill to pass, that rule was never made clear except by me never passing anything that wasn't 100% filled!


    EDIT: Now searching online that does indeed seem to be the case. If the bar isn't 100% filled, you will fail. You will have needed to have made "correct" responses in prior conversations to make it deterministically succeed. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, best3444 said:


    Omg! I went to video fidelity and clicked something and now all my settings are fucked up! I can't even play in 4K it says my TV doesn't support that. What in God's name did you do! Now my screen looks like ass. I checked everything everybody said and everything was fine. Then I did what you told me and everything is fucked up and I can't fix it. Holy fuckin shit.

    Try not to worry too much. What can be broken in software can be fixed in software. It’s one of the great things about software! You might want to consider sharing images of your settings here for people who know about your kind of TV.  

  14. 55 minutes ago, eggydoo said:


    I am noticing some stuttering on ultra+ with 3080 as well.

    Are you able to see FPS on yours?  It doesn't show for me using the Steam overlay or GEForce overlay.

    Would love to know your configuration if you find one you are happy with.


    I'm not able to get steam FPS either. It's because it goes through the launcher and if you do the steam overlay, it wants to put the overlay in the launcher! Something wasn't routed right. I'll have to try @stepee suggestion.


    But I have a pretty good feel at this point for smooth >=60 vs... not and it is in the "not" category :p 


    I can say that using ultra performance DLSS and disabling the shadow raytracing removed a lot of the bigger hitches/stutter. But fluidity still feels a little off.

  15. Yeah this is hitting my 3080 harder than cyberpunk. I’m on ultra performance dlss and disabled ray tracing shadows. It’s mostly fine, but still has some problem points. 

    I will probably notch it down a bit more because I prefer very consistent performance.  

    The environment is beautiful maxed out though and perhaps the best I’ve seen. The sunsets are crazy good. Character models are actually showing their age though when compared to HFW and GoWR.

  16. 1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

    Depends on the AI dudes.  The central question is: how many GPUs do your AI overlords have on hand?


    Never enough.


    1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

    Long Short Term Memory Nets&Convolutional Neural Nets>Deep Belief Network>Multilayer Perceptron>single perceptron.


    Despite Schmidhuber's protests, LSTMs are old news. The current layer responsible for these LLMs and many other things is the transformer. MLPs are shockingly still alive and well. Virtually every architecture includes an MLP as part of it's design.



    1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

    Just be sure to remember that artificial intelligence doesn’t really exist, if by ‘intelligence ‘ we mean human intelligence.  


    That's right, human-like intelligence is still the gold standard by a large margin, despite the GOPs best efforts to reverse that.


    1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

    AI is just data being fed through an algorithm


    Not exactly. Supervised and self-supervised learning are responsible for most industry waves, but AI is thankfully much bigger than just dataset fitting.


    1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

    —human intelligence is special, and cannot be replicated by a digital machine.  At the very least because the digital machine is just a meaningless bundle of funky-looking objects without it.


    Almost surely not true. Modern digital computers probably don't have close to the effective compute of a the human brain, and especially not on a per watt basis. So for practical reasons, it might not end up being the computational substrate of the future for AI. We might have to invent new computer architectures.


    However, for digital computers to be insufficient in principle, the Church-Turing thesis would have to wrong. That is a FAR more fantastical claim than saying digital computers can replicate human-like intelligence and it has really weird implications about reality.


    1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

    But that doesn’t mean it won’t enslave us anyway.


    AI won't enslave you. But powerful human actors wielding AI might.

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