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Everything posted by legend

  1. I do think aim assist could level the playing field if done well. Good user interface to assist in showing where you will hit would also help.
  2. I don't have a VR system (yet), but I do think there is a distinct possibility that aiming is harder in VR for the same reason aiming is harder in real life: there are many more degrees of freedom to get wrong than moving a cursor and you have to align the trajectory from gun to the target, vs pointing the center of your view at the target.
  3. Pentagram is the absolute worst. Until it's evolved and then it's crazy powerful
  4. Psh I almost never work in Jupyter notebooks My code bases are too big and complex. Even when I'm processing results I usually just work in a scratch file.
  5. I'd be curious to know which builds you like to use it for! I can see that as long as you can survive long enough to evolve it, because then it does have some nice properties. But its vanilla flavor seems pretty bad unless you're surrounded by trash (e.g., early game)
  6. Garlic isn't that great until it's evolved, and even then there are better weapons. I got better at the game when I stopped taking it. It's tempting because at low levels it's good, but ultimately isn't that great.
  7. You know you're OP in the game when you accidentally kill death having had no intention to for that run.
  8. Well, my game is basically broken at this point and I can't recommend it with this very bad gameplay design. Up until now I'd been enjoying it, fights were getting hard but doable as long as you worked at it. But now I've reached a point in the game where they split your party and make it impossible to backtrack. I've pushed forward a bunch and now am just getting utterly clowned by two regular enemies. Can't beat them for the life of me. They hit all characters hard and I barely do any damage to them. At this point in the game you cannot change your party make up, because you only have access to three characters. I figure I must be missing something about how to fight them, so I look up some video walkthroughs online at that fight. In all the videos, the players in the walkthrough are doing *vastly* more damage than I am, like 3x more or something. There's no strategy, they just crush them with basic attacks. And it's not as though I hadn't upgraded the weapons I have. So all I can figure is somehow I missed finding better weapons somewhere in the world that have all of sudden made it impossible to progress. I'd backtrack, except it's impossible to backtrack at this part of the game. I'd have to load an old enough save hours ago because of how the story funneled things and maybe find weapon pick ups I missed. I'm not doing that and am not going to play a game where you lose hours of progress because you missed something that's gated you from progressing.
  9. I was curious why my achievements were so crazy high this year (I'd love to know what percentage it is, because the bar looks full!), but it seems at least part of it was due to my temporary obsession with Vampire Survivors
  10. That sucks. I've managed only small groups of people for the best six years or so and being that they've been small groups, conflicts or other problems are fortunately uncommon and I've never had to deal with sexual harassment issues, thankfully. But doing the *actual* management part of managing employee problems when they do occur is extremely uncomfortable. Management is often considered a useless job, but I have to wonder if people who think that have never actually managed people before. It's important and emotionally challenging if you actually want your organization to be a good place to work.
  11. For some reason I didn't think CP had ray tracing. But given what we heard about crunch, I wouldn't be surprised if it was kind of tacked on despite being "built" for it
  12. I suspect console games including ray tracing are probably making better use of the CPUs and will translate better to PC as a result. According to that DF video, Spider-man PC had much better CPU utilization, for example. That doesn't mean the same was true on the PS build, but seems plausible and ray tracing would certainly be a forcing function for that. I think the Witcher was just fucked because it was built before ray tracing was a thing to think about, and to your point, games back then didn't care as much about CPU utilization and now we're paying the cost. We'll I am, at least. Maybe people like you with fancy frame generation are fine
  13. Oh yeah, I can absolutely imagine how it would be hard to tack on good thread utilization for ray tracing. When I built my current computer, I opted for the 3900x because it has very strong multi-threading performance and I knew that would be important for ray tracing that would be increasingly popular. And it seems that was true, but in this case, it's not helping me because the game was not designed to make use of it
  14. Sounds like the biggest issues are: 1. The game is not well optimized for multiple threads, but is heavily CPU bound with ray tracing. In contrast, Cyberpunk which was developed for ray tracing, is much better at using all your cores. 2. DX12 sucks for no good reason, but is also the only way to get RTX. 3. Shader compilation is the bane of the gaming world.
  15. My wife and I watched the first episode and weren't very excited by it. It felt like they wanted us to empathize immediately with these characters, but were given no reason to. It felt like a series of events.
  16. The abruptness didn't help for sure. I just wasn't sure what I was supposed to take away from the end and I don't really have any sense about the characters having changed in some important way. It was just this very weird event that then ended.
  17. I have absolutely no idea what to make of Norco after finishing it. The end is really fucking weird and not in a way that made me think. My reaction was "oh okay." I played it with my wife and she felt similarly. But the entire game was worth for the hotdog story.
  18. FWIW, charge for vanguard is pretty great, but it requires a very aggressive play style and specing. There was video a long time ago I saw that really changed how I played it. Not sure this was the one because he seems to be using his gun far too often but something like this: I also played a ton of the ME2 multiplayer and really honed the vanguard charge build to the point that it was crazy OP and I reliably had the most damage output of anyone by a large margin. I can't remember all the details of how to spec it right, but the crux of what you want to do is really get the cooldown fast and build things so that you get the shields/barrier when you charge. Then you just fly across the map as often as possible to keep your health up. It makes for a very intense experience and you tend to level the battle field really fast
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