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Everything posted by legend

  1. In the dog fight I kept expecting to hear "You're good! But I'm better!"
  2. As a point of reference, Nvidia released CuDNN, their deep neural network library, in 2014, and they regularly make big updates for it. All major high-level DL libraries target it for the GPU support, to the point that if you're doing DL you probably need an Nvidia card. (The only real exception is if you're using Google's TPUs on a cloud platform.) So yeah, they've been pushing on AI for quite some time now.
  3. I think complete digital segregation would be bad for society. I also think the article's claim was much more nuanced than that and was pointing toward particular memes that may be demeaning. I don't think it's worth worrying about whether a person of the same race is "allowed" to still share such memes. First, if it's perpetuating a bad idea, don't participate. Why would you worry that you "can't" participate in something that's bad? Second, people who are struggling with things often use humor amongst themselves to cope with it. You jumping in when you don't suffer from it isn't the same -- you're not coping, which means it's not the same thing. Human psychology isn't divided into clear neat rules. Finally, only a bad comedian continues to make a joke that hurts his audience while gaining nothing of value in the process.
  4. I love the dialog in this show. It really coveys what giant tools these people are.
  5. I really does feel safer to just assume that every actor in hollywood is horrible.
  6. I don't think you need a final clear goal to accomplish like it's a video game. The story seems pretty focused on what it means to be Mandalorian and how that interacts with the characters current beliefs and motivations. It's using both Mando and Bo as opposing sides. Mando grew up in the cultish set of beliefs, but his own journey brought him in conflict with his core beliefs. He's struggling to hold on to how things were before and to be reunited with his former home and people. But the problem that's probably always at the back of his mind is his conflict with the beliefs remain. He would still violate his oaths for Grogu and probably others he cares about. It's a ticking time bomb. On the other hand, Bo came from a more modern concept of what it means to be Mandalorian, but in her journey that "way" has failed her. She lost everything. But the cult she previously mocked very readily accepts her and offers her a new home. She's seen things she didn't think were even possible before. Her new experiences are causing her to rethink her beliefs and whether "the way" has value. The conflict is palpable for both characters, yet the tension is in opposite directions. I'm not sure how they're going to resolve it, but something is going to happen. Of course, if nothing does come to a head with these conflicting trajectories then that will be a disappointment
  7. They're very tempting, but I probably have few uses for them ATM. I may eventually succumb to temptation though!
  8. I realize you probably don't want to spend a bunch more money, but @Rev swears by these: Amazon.com A.CO There's also a newer version coming out: Rokid Max AR Glasses | 50° super wide FOV with a 215" MAX screen GLOBAL.ROKID.COM Enjoy cinema-grade entertainment at home, on the road, or wherever you like, with Rokid Max's massive 215″ 120 Hz borderless screen and Sony-certified sound — all packed into a 75g body. Battle your enemies on the big screen wherever you are, with lasting comfort. Rokid Max glasses work with almost any console. The battery life on the steam deck is actually better when using these glasses as the monitor because it turns the main screen off, and it basically gives you a big screen where ever you look while you can hold the controller in your lap.
  9. Counter point: people are wildly complicated and variable in behavior. Don't tell me otherwise until you've tried to model the behavior of people with scientific precision.
  10. Never liked it. I think I was just old enough by a few years to not care and I won't watch this. But I'm happy for the actors. Must be fun to come back to!
  11. If we're lucky, consoles will eventually get something similar! In fact, I'm confident they will, but I'm not sure if it will make it into this gen or not
  12. Short answer: it's an image upscaler. Slightly longer answer: Rendering 4K images is taxing on GPUs. DLSS renders the game at a lower resolution and using Deep Neural Networks up-scales the lower res image to 4K. The deep net has been trained on a lot and lots of images and so it's quite good at guessing what the additional pixels should be. Ultimately, you get a 4K image that looks quite close to as if it was rendered at 4K, but the whole process is much less taxing on the GPU. That translates into 4K gameplay with high frame rates.
  13. Yeah I'm willing to see where the season goes before judging the time they spent on it.
  14. My uninformed guess is for Diablo it's a network issue. It's always talking to the game server to keep things in sync on your cloud character and they were not prepared for this open beta. Then, whenever there is a blip, its locking the whole game up. It even does this funny thing where when it unlocks my character's cape goes flying forward because it just auto advanced me forward when it synced back up For RE4, I'm guessing it's just a bad port of the game engine rather than network, but I didn't play any of the RE4 beta and I'm assuming it didn't have network troubles, but I could be completely wrong!
  15. I couldn't latch into the first. It has some good concepts, but didn't click with me. But this looks good and I'll be giving it another chance unless its tanks it reviews!
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