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Posts posted by legend

  1. 7 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

    Maybe i missed something so how is he at odds with his cult's beliefs though?


    You didn't miss anything explicit, I'm reading between the lines here. The fact of the matter is Din will take his helmet off for Grogu. He was "redeemed in the waters" but it's a fake redemption without any intention to change. We all know Din wouldn't hesitate for a moment to take off his helmet again to save Grogu. He's just going through the motions now but at some point he has to confront that he's not a true believer anymore. Or at least, he should :p 

    • True 2
  2. Annnnnnd, back to 100% achievements!


    I have kind of a broken build at his point where I was killing things faster than the game would render them and got up to something like level 350. And that was in the second level of the DLC which is otherwise pretty tough!


    Easiest to build with Queen Sigma since you get all the re-rolls, but it was:


    * Victory sword

    * Lightning ring

    * Holy water

    * Rune tracer

    * Eskizzibur

    * Song of Mana


    * Cooldown

    * Duration

    * Duplicator

    * Armor

    * Attract orb

    * Area



    It's just non-stop raining hell. I might be able to amp it further. The Song of Mana does the least DPS in the long-run but is really good early game. It might be worth replacing it with the new spell ability since it evolves from its own three weapons and then compressed back into one, but it's a harder leveling story.

    • Shocked 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


    I don't. :p But not sure what this means in this context? I know people didn't like FF15, but I remember everyone praising FF7R's combat when it came out? Have things changed? 


    I really like FF7R's combat. I like pretty much everything about it, actually! It along with Persona 5 are my favorite JRPGs in a long time. I think the last JRPG I enjoyed before them was Last Odyssey and maybe FFX before that.


    FFXVI looks pretty hot too and I'm excited for it!

    • stepee 2
  4. 8 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    Starting to get pretty excited for this. Question is, do we buy two copies, because I don’t think I can wait til my husband is done with it. And he’ll be the one playing for like 8 hours a day, lol. 


    Not that my vote matters, but I vote yes, get two! No reason you should be left out!

  5. 1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    Matthew "Critical Role" Mercer just announced that he's the English voice actor for Ganondorf:




    Matt's awesome. Glad it was finally confirmed.

  6. 7 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


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    Greef feels like a stretch unless we’re talking about a Heavy Rain situation. We haven’t seen him alone much, but we’ve had a couple moments with him where he’s not in front of Mandalorians and behaves like he’s aligned with them. Also him aligning with Moff Gideon specifically doesn’t feel right.


    The Armorer makes more sense. There was beskar on Gideon’s transport, his helmet has flourishes similar to The Armorer’s and to Boba Fett’s, and it seems unlikely Gideon would have been able to field a squadron of beskar armored troops without someone who knows how to work the metal. Also allowing Bo-Karan to take off her helmet and to take de facto leadership of her covert feels a bit out of character for her.


    I guess “spies” could mean both of them, but I figured it was a reference to Gideon’s buff informant in the New Republic and whoever Gideon has on the inside.





    The armorer being wholly aligned with Gideon seems like it would be tricky to buy given the history of the show. She actively worked against him previously. But I could see it going down that way if she sees this alliance as a way to purge all the old Mandorlians so that she can rebuild Mandorlians free of all the "tainted" ways.


    It also can serve as a narrative vehicle to finalize Mando's separation from the cult, which I feel like has to happen at some point.


  7. 19 hours ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

    Or Luke Skywalker going from farm boy to force guiding proton torpedos in a matter of hours. 


    Hmm. I never interpreted Luke as guiding the torpedos with the force so much as he used the force to help him line up a very difficult shot, which seems very much in line with what any force sensitive individual can do and often do do instinctually. Luke even comments in the briefing before hand that it wasn't some impossible shot.

    • True 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

    You don’t need to build to the history of anything in Star Wars, the cheesy gordita crunch has been on the menu at Taco Bell longer than the Empire existed. 

    That said I am always in favor of the movies being better or, dare I say, good. 



    I'm on board with retconning details as they go and I don't expect Star Wars to have anywhere near perfect consistency. But the ST feels like it puts them in a position that's more egregious than usual. Mostly, I blame JJ.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    J.J. Abrams fucked things completely by making TFA a poorer remake of ANH. By ruining the wins the heroes earned in ROTJ by resetting things 30 years later, everything in between is forced to build to a new Empire fighting new Rebels, which just repeats the OT. TLJ tried to course correct by basically being two movies in one so Episode 9 could do something new but Abrams went fuck that, bring Emperor back, ROTJ part 2 instead. Now we have to get past Episode 9 to do anything interesting again.


    To make it worse, there's no real build to the new order existing that could be explored in the in between. The new order is just kind of there all of a sudden and apparently all powerful. How the hell are you supposed to build to this future? You can't have an interesting iterative fall and instead anything accomplished by the characters in this era just has to suddenly not matter because the NO just takes over immediately somehow.

    • True 1
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